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This paper determines the cost of employee stock options (ESOs) to shareholders. I present a pricing method that seeks to replicate the empirics of exercise and cancellation as good as possible. In a first step, an intensity-based pricing model of El Karoui and Martellini is adapted to the needs...
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This paper examines a continuous-time intertemporal consumption and portfoliochoice problem for an investor with Duffie and Epstein (1992a)’s recursive preferenceswho worries about model misspecification (model uncertainty) and wants toseek robust decision rules. The expected excess return of...
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It is often argued that Black-Scholes (1973) values overstate the subjective value of stock options granted to risk-averse and under-diversified executives. We construct a "representative" Swiss executive and extend the certainty-equivalence approach presented by Hall and Murphy (2002) to assess...
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Incentives often fail in inducing economic agents to engage in a desirableactivity; implementability is restricted. What restricts implementability?When does re-organization help to overcome this restriction?This paper shows that any restriction of implementabilityis caused by an identification...
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The discussion on value-based performance measures is centered around the concept of residualincome. The main property of residual income is its connection to capital budgeting and the net-present-value-rule. This property is, however, not sufficient to guarantee strong goal congruencebetween...
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When designing incentives for a manager, the trade-off between insuranceand a “good” allocation of effort across various tasks is oftenidentified with a trade-off between the responsiveness (sensitivity, precision,signal-noise ratio) of the performance measure and its similarity(congruity,...
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theoriegestützten Bewertungsverfahrensvorsieht. Für die in der Arbeit betrachteten Produkte wird beispielhafteine Bewertung anhand eines …
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Dank einer beispiellos langen Friedensperiode haben die Industrialisierung,eine perfektionierte Logistik, das Informationszeitalter und nicht zuletzt diefreie Marktwirtschaft zu einem Zustand geführt, den man als einen annäherndgesättigten Käufermarkt bezeichnen kann. Die Menschen bleiben...
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This paper derives optimal perfect hedging portfolios in the presence of transaction costs within the binomial model of stock returns, for a market maker that establishes bid and ask prices for American call options on stocks paying dividends prior to expiration.(...)
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This paper shows a simple approach to the pricing of options on spread and some arguments in favor of modelling the spread using its two components instead of the spread itself.
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