Showing 1 - 10 of 47
Accessing the World Wide Web via mobile end devices is increasing steadily. Mobile access is limitedby device properties and radio networks. In the past, software developers responded to this by specialstandards for a special mobile web: WAP, HDML, WML, C-HTML and XHTML-MP. However, theWorld...
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Mobility is obviously one of the main characteristics of the mobile Internet. Next toheterogeneity it is one of the root causes for challenges when mobile end devices are used.Mobility leads to specific characteristics of the usage of end devices which can becategorized as technical, social and...
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In addition to mobility, heterogeneity is one of the root causes for challenges of the mobileInternet. At all levels heterogeneity can be found: For handsets, networks and software. Thisdiversity leads to negative consequences, both technological and economic, for stakeholdersof the value chain...
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Studies about Mobile TV show that this way of television generally meets with user interest.Disagreement about technical standards, discrepancies between the actors in the mobile TV sectorand little user acceptance about the concrete Mobile TV offering are reasons for the failure of MobileTV in...
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As using the Internet with mobile end devices like PDA or Smartphones gets more and more common,enterprises verify whether they can use this technology to gain competitive advantages. This workevaluates existing mobile applications for businesses, their technical construction and...
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Meanwhile, standard mobile phones are able to run applications which can be installed additionally tothose provided by the network operators. These applications can be used for various purposes - onepossibility is to use mobile phones for guiding persons on unknown territory. Mobile phones...
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Mobility, understood as the possibility to move around, is an important part of human life. Sociologistshave even called mobility a vital principle for the individual and society. Mobility needs may besatisfied in several ways: independently by motorized and non-motorized individual traffic, by...
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Lassen sich in der gegenwärtigen Arbeitwelt (trotz aller von Habermas konstatierten Unübersichtlichkeit)neue Konturen ausmachen? Im vorliegenden Text wird argumentiert,dass wir es sowohl vor 1975 als auch danach mit einer beträchtlichen Vielfalt von Erwerbskonstellationenzu tun haben. Die...
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The project GLO.R.I. has been realised within the framework of the budget heading, according to the priority about to monitor, analyse and assess the experience regarding the establishment of transnational representative bodies at enterprise level and the extent to which the...
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How can high rates of attrition persist in a specific IT-hub for years, and how do transnationallyoperating companies with different institutional backgrounds cope with this challengeorganisationally? The present paper addresses this question by presenting first results of acurrent SOFI-project...
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