Showing 11 - 20 of 142
Dieser Beitrag untersucht, welche Anreize von asymmetrischer Besteuerung einerseits undvon Haftungsbeschränkungen andererseits für die optimale Risikowahl eines Unternehmensausgehen. Wir betrachten dabei eine risikobehaftete Investition, deren Risikogradwertrelevant verändert werden kann, so...
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This contribution describes ErbSiHM 0.1 which is an inheritance tax simulation model.ErbSiHM 0.1 comprises of a microsimulation model based on the data of the GermanInheritance Tax Statistics 2002 and a group simulation model employing the data of theSOEP. The microsimulation model of ErbSiHM...
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Die Gesellschafter von Kapitalgesellschaften können grundsätzlich, abgesehen von gesetzlichvorgeschriebenen Mindestausstattungen an Eigenkapital, 1 frei darüber entscheiden, obsie die Unternehmungen mit Eigen- oder Fremdkapital ausstatten.2 Obwohl bekannt ist,dass Fremdkapital regelmäÿig...
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This paper gives a survey of the experimental literature on the perception (bias) ofindividuals with respect to their own tax burden and its effect on economicdecisions. Six strands of literature are discussed: (1) perception of marginal taxrates, (2) influence of tax complexity on tax...
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In entrepreneurial decisions making uncertain future prots often are a maincharacteristics of real investment opportunities. If investors can react touncertainty the degree of irreversibility and timing flexibility inherent in theavailable project should be integrated into the decision calculus....
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This contribution addresses the substantial tax subsidies for businesses introducedby the German Inheritance Tax Act 2009. Advocates in favour of the vast or evenentire tax exemption for businesses stress the potential damage of the inheritancetax on businesses, as those often lack liquid assets...
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Using a ¯rm-level panel data set I assess whether dynamic models of in-vestment provide an empirically fruitful framework for analyzing tax e®ectson changes in capital stock. In particular I estimate a one-step error correc-tion model (ECM) complementing the usual estimation of a distributed...
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Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die steuerinduzierten Wirkungen der Außenfinanzierung auf denUnternehmenswert von Immobilien-Kapitalgesellschaften. Im diesem Bereich existieren neben dergewerblichen Immobilien-AG steuerbegünstigte Rechtsformen, wie die vermögensverwaltendeImmobilien-AG und...
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We apply conjoint analysis to study the influence of tax labeling and tax earmarking onGerman taxpayers’ willingness to contribute. From a survey based sample we show thatlabeling and earmarking effects can substantially increase participants’ willingness tocontribute, which results in a...
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We apply conjoint analysis to study the influence of tax labeling and tax earmarking onGerman taxpayers’ willingness to contribute. From a survey based sample we show thatlabeling and earmarking effects can substantially increase participants’ willingness tocontribute, which results in a...
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