Showing 81 - 90 of 100
This paper provides new information, not available from other sources, on the characteristics ofthe innovation process in Europe, and on the economic use and value of European patents. Ourdata are drawn from a survey (PatVal-EU, or PatVal for short) of 9,017 patents granted by theEuropean Patent...
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This paper is the first systematic analysis of the impact of diversificationon the performance of private equity funds. A unique data set allows theexact evaluation of diversification across the dimensions financing stages,industries, and countries. Very different levels of diversification can...
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This paper provides the first large scale study that examines the impact of both individual- andgroup-specific factors on the benefits users obtain from their user communities. By empiricallyanalysing 924 survey responses from individuals in 161 Computer Associates’ user groups, thispaper aims...
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In diesem Beitrag wird mit Galtungs Konzept der „Suche und Brechung von Invarianzen“ einin der betriebswirtschaftlichen Diskussion um die Kausalanalyse kaum beachtetes Konzeptzum Umgang mit festgestellten Wirkungszusammenhängen vorgestellt. Dabei wirdinsbesondere die Rolle der...
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Der Beitrag analysiert den Adjusted Present Value-, den Free Cashflow- sowie den Flow toEquity-Ansatz in einer vergleichenden Betrachtung. Formuliert werden Bedingungen, unterdenen die verschiedenen Discounted Cashflow (DCF)-Verfahren im Falle unendlichenkonstanten Wachstums zu identischen...
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This paper analyzes the causality between inventor productivity and inventor mobility. Theresults show that the level of education has no influence on inventor productivity. Making useof external sources of knowledge, on the contrary, has a significant effect on productivity.Finally, firm size...
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Despite the attention that strategic change as a topic of research has received, there remainconsiderable difficulties in conceptualizing the actual sources of strategic change. Using theconcept of strategic episodes, this paper develops an endogenous theory of change, where thesources of change...
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In this study we empirically investigate the effect of financial distress on cor-porate ownership and control. Our analysis is based on a panel of 267 Germanfirms that suffered from repeated interest coverage shortfalls and steep share pricedeclines between 1996 and 2004. We track each firm's...
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Lange Zeit stand man in der Marketing- und Sozialforschung vor dem Problem die kausalenZusammenhänge nicht beobachtbarer Variablen – so genannte Konstrukte – modellierenund vor allem erforschen zu können.Zwar gab es die Regressionsanalyse, mit deren Hilfe man den Einfluss mehrerer...
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Acknowledging deficiencies in current regulations and aiming at convergence, theIASB is conducting a joint project with the FASB to develop a principle-based standardon revenue recognition. The tentative proposals feature an asset-liability approachrelying on measurement at fair values or at...
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