Showing 1 - 10 of 61
There has been a remarkable growth in evolutionary economics since the 1980s. But despitethis outward success there has been inner disagreement on fundamental issues including thebuilding blocks of evolutionary theory and the very meaning of ‘evolution’ itself. This essayprovides a...
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Findings from a data mapping and extraction exercise undertaken aspart of the STAR project are described and related to recent work in the area.The exercise was undertaken in conjunction with English Heritage andencompassed five differently structured relational databases containing...
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Following work on data modelling of the varied archaeological systems at English Heritage’sCentre for Archaeology (CfA), a Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) has been produced usingextensions of the higher level CIDOC-CRM ontology. Some initial results of the modelling, using theCIDOC-CRM, were...
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The Semantic Technologies for Archaeological Resources (STAR) project has been exploring the development of new tools andtechnologies for “semantic web” based research. The project builds upon the ontological modelling approach taken by EnglishHeritage staff, in recent years, to modelling...
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One of the key factors that hinders integration of distributed, heterogeneousinformation systems is the lack of a formal basis for modeling the complex, structuredknowledge that is to be exchanged. To alleviate this situation, we present anapproach based on core ontologies. Core ontologies are...
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Recently evolutionary economists started to pay attention to ontological issues in theirown subfield. Two projects dominate the discussions: Generalized Darwinism(henceforth: GD), promoted by Geoff Hodgson and Thorbjørn Knudsen, and theContinuity Hypothesis (henceforth: CH), put forward by...
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The paper unravels the subversive nature of Schumpeter’s proposition that entrepreneurscarry out innovations (the micro level), that swarms of followers imitate them (meso) andthat, as a consequence, ‘creative destruction’ leads to economic development ‘fromwithin’ (macro). It is...
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The purpose of this EU funded project is to describe a short and medium term Research and Deployment Roadmap for Semantic Interoperability in e-health. It started by defining 4 levels and 3 dimensions for Semantic Interoperabilty. The vision is to reconcile the needs for the direct patient care...
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According to the advocates of a “Generalized Darwinism” (GD), the three coreDarwinian principles of variation, selection and retention (or inheritance) can be used as ageneral framework for the development of theories explaining evolutionary processes inthe socioeconomic domain. Even though...
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Ergänzend zur Ermittlung von kunden- und personalbezogenen Wertbeiträgen wird gezeigt, wie sich Wertbeiträge für weitere Stakeholderperspektiven ermitteln lassen. Explizit erfolgt eine Analyse für Zulieferer und Kern-Vermögenskapazitäten eines Unternehmens. Als Bezugsrahmen wird der...
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