Showing 1 - 10 of 127
Deutschlands Exportmanie schadet derBinnennachfrage, schwächt die Exportfähigkeitder EU-Partner, verschärft dieUngleichheit und ist eine der Wurzeln dereuropäischen Schuldenkrise. Hundertevon Milliarden aufgehäufter deutscherÜberschüsse und entsprechender Defi ziteder EU-Partner müssen...
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This paper adopts the point of view that a crisis will face a person, organisation, region orcountry at some point in their life span or history. The question is how to prepare for thecrises and recover from them afterwards? Some of us recover better than others and in ashorter time. The concept...
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Dieser Beitrag skizziert eine „conceptual history“ der modernen Gesellschaft. Er unterscheideteine malthusianische Stagnationsphase und eine postmalthusianische Wachstumsphaseder Weltwirtschaftsgeschichte und entwickelt anhand eines Modells zur Interdependenzwirtschaftlicher und politischer...
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Unied growth theory predicts that the timing of the fertility transitionis a key determinant of contemporary comparative development, as itmarks the onset of the take-o to sustained growth. Neoclassical growth theorypresupposes a take-o, and explains comparative development by variationsin...
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Conventional R&D-based growth theory suggests that productivitygrowth is positively correlated with population size or population growth,an implication which is hard to see in the data. Here we integrate R&D-basedgrowth into a unied growth setup with micro-founded fertility and...
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This paper develops the theoretical foundations and the testable implications of the variousmechanisms that have been proposed as possible triggers for the demographic transition.Moreover, it examines the empirical validity of each of the theories and their significance forthe understanding of...
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Die Ungleichheit in Deutschland hatzugenommen und ist hartnäckigergeworden. Die noch immer mächtigewohlfahrtsstaatliche Umverteilungverdeckt nur eine zunehmend tiefereGesellschaftsspaltung. Diese Spaltungschadet dem Wachstum kurzfristigdurch Konsumausfall und langfristigdadurch, dass eine...
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After the pioneering German “Aktiengesetz” of 19652 and the Brazilian “Lei dasSociedades Anónimas” of 19763, Portugal …
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The paper enquires into the relationship between economic inequality and economic growth, but different from others, it also studies the relationship between inequality and economic growth in the situation where consideration of effect of factor movement is included. The paper tends to answer...
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The paper enquires into the e¤ects of China’s entry into the WTO on its economic growth. We find that even in the short run (2001-2005), economic performance can be improved due to obtaining higher survival probability of economic growth rate and better protection of consumer welfare.
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