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By inverting Saez (2002)’s model of optimal income taxation, we characterize theredistributive preferences of the Irish government between 1987 and 2005. The (marginal)social welfare function revealed by this approach is consistently comparable over time andshow great stability despite...
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Using Norwegian registry data we investigate how paternity leave affects fathers’ long-termearnings. In 1993 Norway introduced a paternity quota of the paid parental leave. We estimatea difference-in-differences model which exploits differences in fathers' exposure to thepaternity quota. Our...
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Does joint taxation disadvantage women? To answer that question, this paper begins byreviewing unitary and bargaining models of intrafamily allocation, and then discusses thedeterminants of "bargaining power" in a world without taxes...
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Recent research on the behavioral effects of income taxes has to a large extent focused onthe elasticity of taxable income with respect to the net-of-tax rate, i.e., one minus themarginal tax rate. We offer new evidence on this matter by making use of a large panel ofSwedish tax payers over the...
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Given its significance in practice, piecewise linear taxation has received relatively littleattention in the literature. This paper offers a simple and transparent analysis of its maincharacteristics. We fully characterize optimal tax parameters for the cases in which budgetsets are convex and...
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Gender Based Taxation (GBT) satisfies Ramsey´s optimal criterion by taxing less the moreelastic labor supply of (married) women. This holds when different elasticities between menand women are taken as exogenous and primitive...
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This paper develops a formula for the optimal nonlinear income tax, the terms of which are familiar from the theory of linear income taxation. The development uses the idea of a perturbation of the optimal schedule and is based upon as assumption of differentiability. It is also shown that the...
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The paper studies a fiscal policy instrument that can reduce fiscal distortions without affecting revenues,in a politically viable way. The instrument is a private contract (tax buyout), offered by the governmentto each citizen, whereby the citizen can choose to pay a fixed price in exchange for...
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Using time-diary data from 25 countries, we demonstrate that there is a negative relationship between real GDP per capita and the female-male difference in total work time per day the sum of work for pay and work at home. In rich northern countries on four continents there is no difference men...
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We estimate the responses of gross labor earnings with respect to marginal and average netof-tax rates in France over the period 2003-2006. We exploit a series of reforms to theincome-tax and the payroll-tax schedules that affect individuals who earn less than twice theminimum wage. Our estimate...
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