Showing 1 - 10 of 45
Der wachsende Wettbewerbsdruck im Bankensektor führte in den letzten Jahrentrotz eines geringen Zinsniveaus zu sinkenden Zinsmargen im Verbraucherkreditgeschäft. Hervorgerufenwird diese Änderung der Angebotspreise durch die sinkende Bedeutung der Hausbankbeziehungsowie der steigenden Anzahl...
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(CAT-)astrophe Bonds are of significant importance in the field of alternative risk transfer.Since the market of CAT Bonds is not as liquid as e.g. the stock market, the use of pricing models is ofhigh relevance. One important parameter in all pricing models is the probability of catastrophe....
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Derivative financial instruments are frequently used as a tool for influencing the risk ofentrepreneurial uncertain payoff. To this end, an approximation procedure is developed capable ofcalculating the optimal quantity of derivatives to be used. It is assumed that the entrepreneurial cashflow...
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Investors need performance measures particularly as a means for funds selection inthe process of ex-ante portfolio optimization. Unfortunately, there are various performancemeasures recommended for different decision situations. Since an investor may be uncertainwhich kind of decision problem is...
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The requirement of existing utility with positive first derivative only makes it pos-sible to derive a restricted two-fund separation theorem for portfolio selection problems withHARA utility replacing the original separation theorem of Cass and Stiglitz (1970). We useour findings for a brief...
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We consider investors with mean-variance-skewness preferences who aim at select-ing one out of F different funds and combining it optimally with the riskless asset and directstock holdings. Direct stock holdings are either exogenously or endogenously determined. Inour theoretical section, we...
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Immer wieder kann man beobachten, dass Menschen gleichzeitig Versicherungsverträge ab-schließen und an Lotterien teilnehmen. Gemein haben Versicherungsverträge und Lotterien,dass man aus diesen Transaktionen als Versicherungsnehmer bzw. Lotterieteilnehmer im Mit-tel, genauer: im...
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Gegenstand der deskriptiven Entscheidungstheorie ist die Erklärung realen menschlichenEntscheidungsverhaltens. Spätestens seit den Arbeiten von Allais (1953) war dabei bekannt,dass das auf die Maximierung des erwarteten Nutzens von Entscheidern abstellende Bernoul-li-Prinzip wohl als Postulat...
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"Coherent" measures of a bank's whole risk capital imply a structure of a bank's optimalcredit portfolio that is independent of its deposits and the expected deposit rate, of expectedbankruptcy costs and of expected costs of regulatory capital...
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Our main goal is the generalization of the approach of Jobson and Korkie(1984) forfunds performance evaluation. Therefore, we consider the portfolio selection problem of aninvestor who faces short sales restrictions when choosing among F different investment fundsand assume the investor's...
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