Showing 1 - 10 of 636
The question that this paper raise in this paper is how to choose the best mix of countries to diversify internationally? They compare several methods of asset allocation from a Swiss perspective over the period 1988-2001.
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o obtain the maximum benefits from diversification, financial theory suggests that investors should invest internationally because of the larger potential for risk reduction. The question that we raise in this paper is how to select the optimal portfolio of countries? This article synthesizes...
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Seit dem Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs im Jahre 1989 befinden sich die zentral-, ost- und süd-osteuropäische Länder in einem Übergang von kommunistischen zu marktwirtschaftlich orientierten Volkswirtschaften. Eng damit verknüpft ist die Entstehung von Börsen für Aktien, die in den letzten...
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This paper studies the impact of EMU on portfolio diversification opportunities.
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This paper identifies low frequency movements in the time series of return dispersions suggestive of cycles and long swings in return correlations.
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This paper deals with the country allocation provides benefits over industry allocation in a sample of European country and industry indexes.
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Die zunehmende Globalisierung der weltweiten Realwirtschaften hat zu einem Anstieg derKorrelationen zwischen den Aktienmärkten der unterschiedlichen Länder geführt. Damit einhergehendwird für internationale Aktieninvestoren eine Länderdiversifikation ihrer Aktienportefeuillesimmer weniger...
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This paper investigates the relative influences of industrial and country factors in international stock returns. Until very recently, academic research has consistently found that country factors dominate industrial factors. This result is in contradiction with practitioners beliefs. This paper...
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Vorliegendes Arbeitspapier analysiert die Einflüsse intertemporaler Renditezusammenhänge und fester Startwerte in Vektorautoregressions-(VAR-) Modellen für stetige Renditen anhand des Vergleichs mit einem statischen Random-Walk-Modell.
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This paper investigates the extent to which differences in information costs can explain the equity home bias puzzle. In a model where the cost of acquiring information regarding the Foreign asset is higher than for the Home asset, we show that–if cost functions are convex–the expected size of...
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