Showing 1 - 10 of 11
Bestimmte Maßnahmen zur Bilanzpolitik, z. B. das window-dressing, haben zweiDinge gemeinsam: Sie sind bei … die Banken inzwischen darum bemüht, bilanzpolitische Maßnahmen dieserArt zu minimieren... [Bwernd W. Voss]„Bilanzpolitik …
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In den letzten zehn Jahren unterlag die Rechnungslegung in Europa einem regen Wandel.Unternehmen haben sich zur Finanzierung ihrer starken Wachstums- undGlobalisierungsstrategien internationalen Kapitalmärkten zugewendet, was ein Umdenken inder Bilanzierung erforderlich machte. Darauf reagierte...
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The recent global financial crisis has led central banks to rely heavily on "unconventional" monetary policies. This alternative approach to policy has generated much discussion and a heated and at times confusing debate. The debate has been complicated by the use of different definitions and...
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Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht, ob der Mehrheitsaktionär einer Gesellschaftim Vorfeld eines Zwangsausschlusses von Minderheitsaktionären (sog.Squeeze-Out) versucht, die Kapitalmarkterwartungen negativ zu beeinussen.Ein solches "manipulatives\ Verhalten wird häufig in der juristischen wie...
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The innovations of this paper are fourfold: First we study return differentials more comprehensivelythan in the previous literature by comparing three asset classes : money market instruments, bonds andequities across countries. Second, we document the structure of international portfolio...
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We examine whether UK firms engage in earnings management or forecast guidance over theperiod 1994−2002 in order to ensure that their reported earnings meet analyst earnings expectations.We explore two earnings management mechanisms: a) the use of positive abnormal working capitalaccruals and...
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We explore the capital market consequences of achieving analyst earnings expectations,distinguishing between expectations achieved genuinely or through earnings guidance ormanagement. We examine an inclusive set of earnings management tools: real earningsmanagement, working capital accruals...
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Gemäß § 7 Abs. 5 PKG hat jede Pensionskasse zur Absicherung der Verpflichtungen aus dem Mindestertrag gemäß § 2 Abs. 2 und 3 PKG eine Rücklage (Mindestertragsrücklage) zu bilden, der jährlich mindestens 0,3 vH des Gesamtwertes der sich aus dem Formblatt A,Passiva, Pos. I ergebenden...
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Motivated by the Chinese experience, we analyze a semi-open economy where the centralbank has access to international capital markets, but the private sector has not. Thisenables the central bank to choose an interest rate different from the international rate.We examine the optimal policy of...
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We contribute to the earnings management literature and provide insights for accounting regulatorsby investigating the impact of FRS3 on accruals management by UK firms. FRS3 mandated net incomeper share, whilst allowing the release of incremental information on sustainable profitability....
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