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This paper presents a framework for analysing the effects of economicdevelopment in Eastern Europe on Austria's regions. Therefore we concentrate on the effects of enhanced East-West trade, which results from the economic development in the transition countries.
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A huge body of empirical and theoretical literature has emerged on the relationship between foreign exchange (FX) uncertainty and international trade. Empirical findings about the impact of FX uncertainty on trade figures are at best weak and often ambiguous with respect to its direction. Almost...
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We present a gravity model that accounts for multilateral resistance, firm heterogeneity and country-selectioninto trade, while accommodating asymmetries in trade flows. A new equation for the proportion of exporting…firms takes a gravity form: the extensive margin is also accected by...
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Do better trade logistics reduce trade costs, raising a country´s exports? Yes, but the magnitude of the effectdepends on country size. Applying a new gravity model to a comprehensive logistics index, we …nd that anaverage-sized country would raise exports by about 46% after a one-standard...
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This paper analyses to what extent working conditions in foreign-owned firms differ fromthose in their domestic counterparts. It makes three main contributions. First, we replicate theconsensus in the empirical literature by applying a standardised methodology to firm-leveldata for three...
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This paper considers labor market adjustments following a large import shock in the Germanclothing industry caused by the phasing out of the Multi-Fibre Arrangement. Using theGerman shoe industry as a control group and administrative data, we study adjustments onthe individual and firm level...
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We study the effects of policy reforms in the South on the decisions of intrafirm and arm’slength production transfers by Northern firms. We show theoretically that relaxing ownershipcontrols and improving contract enforcement can induce multinational companies to expandproduct varieties to...
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Most empirical policy work requires the aggregation of policies. Trade policyaggregation exemplifies the aggregation problem poignantly, with thousands of highlydispersed trade barriers. This paper provides methods of policy aggregation that areconsistent with two common objectives of empirical...
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The main objective of the following article is to present the key findings of the existent research in thefield of the influence the introduction of the euro had on the trade of the member states of the Economicand Monetary Union (EMU). The intention of this article is also to inspire further...
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Forecasting the world economy is a di¢ cult task given the complex interre-lationships within and across countries. This paper proposes a number ofapproaches to forecast short-term changes in selected world economic vari-ables and aims, …rst, at ranking various forecasting methods in terms...
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