Showing 1 - 10 of 793
Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Aufarbeitung der Hintergründe der Subprime-Krisesowie der nachfolgenden internationalen Banken- und Finanzkrisen. Auf dieser Basis werden Vorschlägediskutiert, wie die erkannten Schwachstellen im Finanzsystem repariert bzw. behoben...
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Lack of transparency in securitization transactions significantly contributed to thesevere financial crisis of 2007–2009. To increase transparency we—based on arecent idea by Markowitz (2009)—propose an incentive compatible mechanismfor future securitization transactions: financial claims...
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Vorliegende Arbeit sucht die Ursachen des Wandels der traditionellen Geschäftsstrategie vonKreditinstituten zu einem aktiven Steuerungsansatz unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Einflussesaufsichtsrechtlicher Anforderungen genauer zu analysieren. Es wird gezeigt, dass nicht nurökonomische Faktoren,...
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Is there any need to “clean” up a banking system in the midst of a crisis, by closing or recapitalizing weak banks and … banks that may be forced to sell assets soon can reduce the current price of illiquid assets sufficiently that weak banks …
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Die aus der geringen Transparenz und mangelnden Standardisierung desaußerbörslichen Derivatehandels resultierenden Gefahren sind durch die internationale Finanzkrisedeutlich aufgedeckt worden. Nach dem Willen von Regulierungsbehörden soll diesembisher weitgehend unregulierten Marktsegment...
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Market liquidity is the ease of trading an asset. Its risk is the potential loss, because a security can only be traded at high or prohibitive costs. While the omnipresence and importance of market liquidity is widely acknowledged, it has long remained a more or less elusive concept. Treatment...
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Market liquidity risk, the difficulty or cost of trading assets in crises, has been recognized as an important factor in risk management. Literature has already proposed several models to include liquidity risk in the standard Value-at-Risk framework. While theoretical comparisons between those...
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It has been frequently discussed, that returns are not normally distributed. Liquidity costs, measuring market liquidity, are similarly non-normally distributed displaying fat tails and skewness. Liquidity risk models either ignore this fact or use the historical distribution to empirically...
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We integrate liquidity risk measured by the weighted spread into a Value-at-Risk (VaR) framework. The weighted spread measure extracts liquidity costs by order size from the limit order book. We show that it is precise from a risk perspective in a wide range of clearly defined situations.Using a...
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Defined-contribution plans represent a major organizational form for investors´ retirement savings. Today more than one third of all workers are enrolled in 401K plans.(...)
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