Showing 1 - 10 of 155
[...]In this paper, after first surveying housing costs in theUnited States, we examine why the expensive places have … suchhigh housing costs. High-cost places generally have either veryattractive local amenities (great weather or good schools … equilibrium. Instead, we focus on therole of housing supply. What is it that creates places where thecost of housing is so much …
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The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s(HUD) Moving to Opportunity for Fair HousingDemonstration, or MTO … significantly affect the life chances of lowincomepublic housing residents. This paper provides the firstsystematic overview of the … explores the MTO’s relevance to socialscience research concerning housing and neighborhood effects. We begin with the social …
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measured by the Gini coeffcient isconstant, dening the poverty line as a fraction of a central tendency of theliving standard … distribution restricts the evolution of the poverty measuresto be stable... …
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It has become a truism to say that immigration hastransformed American society since 1965. Beginning with“gateway” cities like New York and Los Angeles, the effect ofnew immigrants now extends to small pork- or chickenprocessingtowns in Iowa or North Carolina. Indeed, theMarch 2004 annual...
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[...]Immigrants settle in one point within the vast U.S.geography. Classically, there are four great reception areas:the two coasts, Chicago, and the southern border. New YorkCity was the gateway for the great migrations of the turn ofthe twentieth century, and it remains a major destination...
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[...]Nonetheless, not all the news is bad. As we describe in detail,our work on New York City’s public schools—which includesextensive research on immigrant children—and our separate work on school reform offer several reasons for optimism.First, immigrant students, who might be viewed as...
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[...]In this article, we consider what these risks, and the publicperception of them, mean for cities in general and for thefuture of New York City in particular. We begin by examiningthe question of why cities exist at all. Only by answering thisimportant question can we think more clearly...
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Der Informationsmodellierung liegt die Annahme zugrunde, daß komplexe Probleme mit Hilfe von Informationsmodellen besser handhabbar sind. Das traditionelle Modellverständnis, das unter einem Modell das Abbild eines Realitätsausschnitts versteht, wird abgelehnt.(...)
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Im betrieblichen Umweltmanagement wird heute nach den tatsächlichen Ergebnissen eines Umweltmanagementsystems sowie nach konsistenten Kriterien zur deren Messung, Bewertung und Beurteilung gefragt. Dem Ausspruch Galileo Galilei's "Messen, was messbar ist - Messbar machen, was nicht messbar ist"...
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