Showing 1 - 10 of 272
This paper explores the impact dividend taxes exert on the dividendsrepatriated from foreign affiliates to their German parent company.Based on an augmented Lintner model of rms' dividend payoutdecisions, the paper focusses on cross-border intra-rm dividend paymentsof wholly-owned foreign...
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Der Beitrag diskutiert die Auswirkungen einer nicht-residualen Ausschüttungspolitik auf die Modigliani/Miller-Anpassungsformeln in einer Welt differenzierter, Dividenden, Zinsen und Kursgewinne unterschiedlich behandelnder persönlicher Steuern. Entsprechende Einflüsse auf den Zusammenhang...
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Der Beitrag diskutiert die Auswirkungen einer nicht-residualen Ausschüttungspolitik aufdie Modigliani/Miller-Anpassungsformeln in einer Welt differenzierter, Dividenden, Zinsenund Kursgewinne unterschiedlich behandelnder persönlicher Steuern. EntsprechendeEinflüsse auf den Zusammenhang...
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Der Beitrag analysiert den Adjusted Present Value-, den Free Cashflow- sowie den Flow toEquity-Ansatz in einer vergleichenden Betrachtung. Formuliert werden Bedingungen, unterdenen die verschiedenen Discounted Cashflow (DCF)-Verfahren im Falle unendlichenkonstanten Wachstums zu identischen...
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Using a ¯rm-level panel data set I assess whether dynamic models of in-vestment provide an empirically fruitful framework for analyzing tax e®ectson changes in capital stock. In particular I estimate a one-step error correc-tion model (ECM) complementing the usual estimation of a distributed...
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Topics on behavioral corporate finance are concerned with the consequences ofboundedly rational investors for optimal financial decisions by firm management. Aspects ofbounded rationality are relevant both for the theory and the practice of corporate finance. Onthe one hand, a new kind of...
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We apply cumulative prospect theory and hedonic framing to evaluate discountreverse convertibles (DRCs) and reverse convertible bonds (RCBs) as important examples ofstructured products from a boundedly rational investor’s point of view. While commonexpected utility theory would also conclude...
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We examine a certain class of new financial instruments which are designed aslotteries on the outcome of prominent sports events like the Soccer World Cup 2006. We areable to explain why there might be a positive demand for such sports-related financialinstruments even if we take riskless...
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This study investigates the relationship between institutional ownership and dividend payout behavior of the firm in Germany. Using a propensity scoring method estimator to control for endogeneity problems, we find evidence that neither institutional ownership nor bank control is statistically...
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Die Finanztheorie betrachtet in den letzten Jahren verstärkt die Bedeutung institutionellerRahmenbedingungen bei der Gestaltung von Finanzierungsverträgen in verschiedenenLändern. In diesem Kontext vergleicht das vorliegende Papier unterschiedliche, für denangelsächsischen und deutschen...
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