Showing 71 - 80 of 81
Die Umstellung der externen Finanzberichterstattung auf IFRS hat umfangreiche Auswirkungen auch auf die Controllerarbeit, die letzlich in der im Vergleich zum traditionellen HGB deutlich stärker betriebswirtschaftlich orientierten Ausrichtung der IFRS begründet liegen.Zum einen werden...
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When designing incentives for a manager, the trade-off between insuranceand a “good” allocation of effort across various tasks is oftenidentified with a trade-off between the responsiveness (sensitivity, precision,signal-noise ratio) of the performance measure and its similarity(congruity,...
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Die private Finanzplanung hat sich im deutschen Markt für Finanzdienstleistungenin den letzten Jahren zu einem Wachstumssegment entwickelt. Mittlerweile bieten fast alle Finanzdienstleisterauf verschiedene Kundengruppen zugeschnittene Finanzplanungsberatungen an. EinenSchritt weiter geht die...
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We study a particular class of cost sharing games – "data games" – covering situations wheresome players own data which are useful for a project pursued by the set of all players. Theproblem is to set up compensations between players. Data games are subadditive butgenerally not concave, and...
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Our paper deals with the research question wether the association between management accounting system (MAS) design and controllership output quality is made by controllers, i.e. preparers of management accounting information, and managers, i.e. users of management accounting information, in a...
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Acknowledging deficiencies in current regulations and aiming at convergence, theIASB is conducting a joint project with the FASB to develop a principle-based standardon revenue recognition. The tentative proposals feature an asset-liability approachrelying on measurement at fair values or at...
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Risk reporting is an emerging reporting challenge in Europe. Current literature assumescorporate risk reporting to be informative for its users. The purpose of this paper is toinvestigate in how far risk disclosures can meet the information function alleged.Embedded in frameworks of economics of...
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Managerial forecast disclosure has gained increasing interest. Besides voluntary publication,managers are more and more obliged to disclose forecasts by recent accountingregulation. This acknowledges the common proposition that forecasts were exceptionallyrelevant and decision useful information...
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We examine whether UK firms engage in earnings management or forecast guidance over theperiod 1994−2002 in order to ensure that their reported earnings meet analyst earnings expectations.We explore two earnings management mechanisms: a) the use of positive abnormal working capitalaccruals and...
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We analyse to what extent the accrual anomaly is related to the choice of the accounting system as well as firm-level heterogeneity in corporate governance mechanisms. Using a unique dataset of listed German firms over the period 1995 to 2005 we first corroborate former results indicating that...
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