Showing 1 - 10 of 45
We analyze optimal contract choice in agriculture when there is joint moral hazard onthe part of the farmer in the supply of effort and the riskiness of the technique ofcultivation. In the presence of limited liability, high-powered incentive contracts such asfixed rental contracts will induce...
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We empirically explore the relevance of risk taking behavior in tournaments. We make use ofdata from the NBA season 2007/2008 and measure risk taking by the fraction of three-pointshots. Current heterogeneity of teams is taken into account by intermediate results. It turnsout that indeed teams...
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We analyze a two-stage game between two heterogeneous players.At stage one, common risk is chosen by one of the players. At stagetwo, both players observe the given level of risk and simultaneouslyinvest in a winner-take-all competition. The game is solved theoreticallyand then tested by using...
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Showcasing data from all areas of the ILC program and other sources, Charting International Labor Comparisons is a gateway to explore how key labor market and other national economic measurements compare across countries. There are links to previous editions of the Chartbook of International...
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This authors of this report also review the levels of development that support e-commerce in regions within Europe. …
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Das deutsche Arbeitsschutzrecht hat durch die Rechtssetzung der Europäischen Unionwichtige Impulse erfahren.(...)
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Der Beitrag stellt Ergebnisse des SOFI-Projektes "Organisation von Innovationsprozessen in der Halbleiterindustrie" vor, das im Rahmen des"Verbundes Sozialwissenschaftliche Technikforschung" vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert wurde. Das Projekt hat die Veränderung von...
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Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit dem stagnierenden Markt und der daraus resultierenden Notwendigkeit für deutsche Energieversorgungsunternehmen neue strategische Konzepte zu entwickeln. Dabei soll geklärt werden, in wie weit sich durch Internationalisierung neue Marktchancen ergeben.
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Vorliegendes Arbeitspapier beschäftgt sich mit dem Reformprozess in der deutschen und europäischen Erdgaswirtschaft.
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This paper deals with the developments in interurban road transport pricing policy in Europe. …
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