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gun control policies on crime and the totaldemand for guns taking into account the strategic interdependencebetween the …
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This paper argues that corruption patterns are endogenous to political structures. Thus, corruption can be systemic and planned rather than decentralized and coincidental. In an economic system without law or property rights, a kleptocratic state may arise as a predatory hierarchy from a state...
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evidence on crime, weexpect camera surveillance to have a relatively smaller deterrent effect on terrorism than onother forms … of crime. In particular, we emphasize opportunities for substitution (i.e.,displacement effects), the interaction with …
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The trends and consequences of terrorist activities are often captured bycounting the number of incidents and casualties. More recently, the effects of terroristacts on various aspects of the economy have been analyzed. These costs aresurveyed and put in perspective. As economic consequences are...
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This paper describes the concept of Safety Culture and its measurement regarding aviation.
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... Wir sind im folgenden nun der Frage nachgegangen, ob es sinnvoll sein kann, den beitragsfinanzierten Nulltarif - gerade wegen seiner möglichen ökologischen Lenkungseffekte - als eine verkehrspolitische Alternative anzubieten. Am Beispiel der Region Trier haben wir untersucht, welche...
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In a perfect labor market severance payments can have no real effects as they can beundone by a properly designed labor contract (Lazear 1990). We give empirical content tothis proposition by estimating the effects of EPL on entry wages and on the tenure-wageprofile in a quasi-experimental...
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The new paradigm known as “pervasive computing”or “ubiquitous computing” refers toa new development in the field of informationand communication technology. Duringthis development more and more everydayobjects will be equipped with microelectronics.Such “intelligent” or “smart”...
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Die Zeiten, in denen „Die neue Baseler Eigenkapitalvereinbarung“(kurz Basel II genannt) alsDamoklesschwert für die Mittelstandsfinanzierungbezeichnet wurde, sind lange vorbei. BaselII findet mittlerweile breite Akzeptanz – bemerkenswerterWeise gilt dies sowohl für Bankenals auch für...
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Als Willem Schröder im Jahre 1840 seine Erzählung„Dat Wettlopen twischen den Hasen unden Swinegel up de lütje Heide bi Buxtehude“veröffentlichte, hätte er wohl kaum für möglichgehalten, welch treffende Metapher diese Geschichte164 Jahre später für einen der spannendstenWettkämpfe...
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