Showing 81 - 88 of 88
This lecture is not in any sense a survey of the …field. It is a highlyselective and personal view of the motivation …
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We conduct a large-scale …eld experiment with 2,440 subjects in whichwe exogenously vary the price of contributing to the closest empiricalcounterpart of an in…nitely large public good, climate change mitigation.We …nd that the price e¤ect is robust and negative, but quantitativelyweak, with...
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We re-examine the labor donation theory of not-for-profits and show that these organizations may exist notnecessarily because motivated workers prefer to work in them, or that they dominate for-profits in terms ofwelfare, but because the excess supply of motivated workers makes the non-profit...
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Switzerland has one of the highest employment rates of older individuals amongindustrialized countries. Nevertheless, in the past decade, Switzerland has experienced amarked trend toward early retirement. This study analyzes the motives of early retirement inSwitzerland in the 1990s...
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workforce incentive contracts. Firm managers told a crew of treeplanters they would receive a pay raise for one day as a result …
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supporting the motivation to innovate in corporate settings. Our special focus is on theearly phase of the innovation process …
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This paper investigates how firms in the UK might be encouraged to create more value through strategic innovation.Our approach is an integrative one, drawing on both the extant literature - covering the value chain, innovation andthe low skill/low quality equilibrium debate - and the two...
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Flexible Arbeitszeiten sind derzeit vor allem im Zusammenhang mit der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf und dem demographischenWandel ein viel diskutiertes Thema. Dank Flexibler Arbeitszeiten können beispielsweise Kosten durch Produktivitätssteigerungenreduziert, Fachkräfte mit der Aussicht...
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