Showing 1 - 10 of 434
positive Entwicklung vor allem durch die Softwareindustrie, die vor allem aufgrund statistischer Abgrenzungsun …
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This paper explores growth and competitive advantage in CEE software firms; it looks at therole of strategic partnerships and industry (spillover) effects. The empirical analysis is basedon survey data from 224 software firms from six CEE countries (Bulgaria, Czech R, Estonia,Serbia, Slovenia,...
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Die Softwareindustrie steht bezüglich der Industrialisierung imVergleich zu anderen Branchen erst am Anfang. Die …
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Vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Betriebsform des Shopping-Centers, welches als räumliche Konzentration von Betrieben des Einzelhandels gesehen werden kann. Betrachtet werden dabei ausgewählte Center in Sao Paulo.
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The international transactions accounts provide information on trade in goods and services (including the balance of payments and the balance of trade), investment income, and government and private financial flows. In addition, the accounts measure the value of U.S. international assets and...
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Wenn von Globalisierung die Rede ist, dann wird noch immer oft von einem Turbokapitalismus gesprochen. Heimatlose Unternehmen vagabundierenüber den Globus auf der Suche nach den kostengünstigsten Standorten, zwingen die Nationalstaaten zu einer Abwärtsspirale bei sozialen Standards,...
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Multinational corporations (MNC) search increasingly for lead market knowledge andtechnological expertise around the globe. We investigate whether their subsidiaries gainaccess to these valuable sources of host country knowledge to the same degree as domesticrivals. We develop a theoretical...
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The paper studies why a corporation hopes to keep technological leadership. The answer is shown by a theoretical model in the perspective of technological transfer. The model consisting of two countries, each of which contains numerous corporations,has pointed out: restrained technological...
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(...)The topic was not too narrowly defined: it included organizational virtualness and all the research activities and partical experiences that focus on organizational structure, behaviorial patterns and technological support of virtual organizations, as well as virtual organizations in a...
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This paper discusses various ways of measuring corporate internationalisation. The concepts considered here became of crucial importance in the recent debate on globalisation, since many scholars link globalisation to a quantitative increase in the international activities of firms.(...)
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