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•Since 2000 Italy’s GDP growth has been below the Euro-area average, and total factor productivity growth has been very …
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We investigate the information content of aggregate stock market liquidity and askwhether it may be a useful realtime indicator, both for nancial stress, and real economicactivity in Norway. We describe the development in a set of liquidity proxies at the OsloStock Exchange (OSE) for the period...
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Showcasing data from all areas of the ILC program and other sources, Charting International Labor Comparisons is a gateway to explore how key labor market and other national economic measurements compare across countries. There are links to previous editions of the Chartbook of International...
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entscheidende Rolle. Als eine Erklärung konjunktureller Schwankungen wird beispielsweise in der Konjunkturtheorie die …
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This paper introduces a new algorithm, the recursive upwind Gauss–Seidel method, andapplies it to solve a standard stochastic growth model in which the technology shocksexhibit heteroskedasticity. This method exploits the fact that the equations definingequilibrium can be viewed as a set of...
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The Hodrick-Prescott …lter is often applied to economic series as part of thestudy of business cycles. Its properties have most frequently been exploredthrough the development of essentially asymptotic results which are practicallyrelevant only some distance from series endpoints. Our concern...
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Bis zu 12% des Bruttoinlandsprodukts in Deutschland werden durch öffentliche Beschaffung erwirtschaftet. Von den jährlichen Gesamtausgaben des Bundes, der Länder und der Gemeinden entfielen im Jahr 2001 ca. 44% auf kommunale Beschaffungen. Diese Zahlen zeigen deutlich, dass die Kommunen als...
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Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt oder andere Aggregate der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Leistung wie dasBruttonationalprodukt werden …
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We evaluate explanations for why Germany grew so quickly in the 1950s. The recent literature has emphasized convergence, structural change and institutional shake-up while minimizing the importance of the post-war shock. We show that this shock and its consequences were more important than...
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