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This paper contributes to the micro-foundation of money in centralizedmarkets with idiosyncratic uncertainty. It shows existence of stationarymonetary equilibria and ensures that there is an optimum quantity ofmoney. The rational solution of our model is compared with actual be-havior in a...
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The aim of this note is to provide an overview of various measures of “excess liquidity”,which can be defined as the deviation of the actual stock of money from an estimated equilibriumlevel. Given their dynamic nature, the excess liquidity measures under review are - in thelight of long and...
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This paper investigates the transmission of monetary policy in the euro area based onthe factor augmented vector autoregressive approach of Bernanke, Boivin and Eliasz(2005) as well as on a standard VAR model. We focus on the reaction of monetaryaggregates to a one-off monetary policy shock. We...
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Die Globalisierung zeigt sowohl positive als auch negative Ausiwirkungen auf die Steuersysteme. Positive Effekte ergeben sich aus dem Wirtschaftswachstum und manifestieren sich in der erweiterten Fiskalbasis...
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[...]The first intellectual development challenging the use ofan activist monetary policy to stimulate output and reduceunemployment is the finding, most forcefully articulatedby Milton Friedman, that the effects of monetary policyhave long and variable lags.1 The uncertainty of the timingand...
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[...]In the case studies that follow, we will see that thedesign choices for an inflation-targeting regime fall intofour basic categories: definition and measurement of thetarget, transparency, flexibility, and timing.[...]
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Many features of the German monetary targetingregime are also key elements of inflationtargeting in the other countries examined inthis study. Indeed, as pointed out in Bernanke and Mishkin(1997), Germany might best be thought of as a “hybrid”inflation targeter, in that it has more in common...
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[...]This paper traces the evolution of Fedwire fromtwelve separate payment operations, linked only by aninterdistrict communications arrangement, to a more unifiedand efficient system. Our account highlights both thedifficulties the Federal Reserve encountered as it soughtto standardize and...
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The article reflects the present banking and financial crisis on basis of latest research results about the existence of superior economic and financial order acting within the real world (equal natural world). Within this order (equal natural order) observably all creatures use different types...
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Das vergangene Jahr hat uns ein neues Schuldverschreibungsgesetz beschert.1Dadurch wurde das alte „Gesetz betreffend die gemeinsamen Rechte derBesitzer von Schuldverschreibungen“ vom 14. 12. 18992 abgelöst, dempraktisch keine große Bedeutung zukam. Einen Vorläufer haben diese Gesetzeim...
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