Showing 1 - 10 of 38
A meta-analysis explains the variation in estimated trade effects of technical barriersto trade broadly defined, using available estimates from the empirical international tradeliterature, and accounting for data sampling and methodology differences. Agriculture and foodindustries tend to be...
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This paper reviews the stylized facts regarding the levels of human capital investments and the returnsto those investments in developing countries. These returns are substantial and are pervasive acrossdemographic groups. Returns are comparable between men and women and between urban and...
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We conduct a comparative analysis of Labor Market Policies and outcomes for the EUmember states, for the period 2000-2005. We document the main differences in LaborMarket Policies across EU members, including new member states after 2004...
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People not only obtain utility from actual outcomes but also from the conditionswhich lead to these outcomes. The paper proposes an economic concept of this notion ofprocedural utility. Preferences beyond outcome can be manifold. We distinguish proceduralutility people get from institutions as...
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In this paper we model multiple jobholding empirically using a specially collected database for the regionof Magnesia in Greece. We find that although income plays a major deterministic impact on multiplejobholding, other factors have a determining the final outcome of the individual’s choice...
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With decreasing migration costs and fiscal decentralisation on the policy agenda in variousOECD countries, the impact of taxation on migration is of growing interest. Empirical studieson this topic have been limited due to a lack of comparable data in an international contextand a lack of...
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In 1994, Blanchflower and Oswald reported that they have found an empirical law of economics the Wage Curve. According to their empirical results, the elasticity of wages with respect to regional unemployment is -0.1. This holds especially for the Anglo-Saxon countries...
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Im Hinblick auf die Unternehmensbesteuerung führen zahlreiche der im Entwurf sowie im Umfeld des Steuervergünstigungsabbaugesetzes vorgesehenen Maßnahmen zu einer Schwächung der Investitionsbereitschaft, zu einer Verschlechterung der steuerlichen Standortbedingungen, zu einer weiteren...
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Die analytisch korrekte Bestimmung von DCF-Unternehmens- und Projektwerten ist nicht trivial...
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Government support of private (occupational and personal) pensionsthrough the system of tax reliefs is large: between one quarter and onethird that of direct support of state pensions through public expenditure.However, it is regressive, lacks transparency and is difficult to control. Thispaper...
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