Showing 1 - 10 of 131
Do better trade logistics reduce trade costs, raising a country´s exports? Yes, but the magnitude of the effectdepends on country size. Applying a new gravity model to a comprehensive logistics index, we …nd that anaverage-sized country would raise exports by about 46% after a one-standard...
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The 2003 reforms of the Common Agricultural policy of the European Unionintroduced decoupled income transfers as the most prominent policy instrument.However, member states were given substantial discretion over the degree and timingof the reform implementation. As a result, different...
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This paper considers labor market adjustments following a large import shock in the Germanclothing industry caused by the phasing out of the Multi-Fibre Arrangement. Using theGerman shoe industry as a control group and administrative data, we study adjustments onthe individual and firm level...
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A meta-analysis explains the variation in estimated trade effects of technical barriersto trade broadly defined, using available estimates from the empirical international tradeliterature, and accounting for data sampling and methodology differences. Agriculture and foodindustries tend to be...
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Dieser Artikel analysiert die auch im Vergleich zu anderen (europäischen) Ländern restriktiveImportpolitik der Schweiz für patentgeschützte Güter (nationale Erschöpfung)aus aussenhandelstheoretischer Sicht.Obwohl dieAussenhandelstheorie auf der Basis derTheorie des Zweitbesten (Theory of...
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This paper analyses trade specialisation dynamics in two Eastern European countries(Romania and Bulgaria – EEC-2) vis-à-vis the core EU member states (EU-15) over theperiod 1990-2006. Specifically, we focus on whether there is a shift towards intra-industrytrade leading to economic...
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Our paper deals with econometric developments for the estimation of the gravity model whichlead to convergent parameter estimates even when a correlation exists between theexplanatory variables and the specific unobservable characteristics of each unit. Weimplement panel data econometric...
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An emerging literature on international activities of heterogeneous firms documents thatexporting firms are more productive than firms that only sell on the national market. Thispositive exporter productivity premium shows up in a large number of empirical studies aftercontrolling for observed...
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This paper examines the Turkish wage curve using individual data from the HouseholdLabor Force Survey (HLFS) including 26 NUTS-2 regions over the period 2005-2008.When the local unemployment rate is treated as predetermined, there is evidence infavor of the wage curve only for younger and female...
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We develop a model with one innovating northern firm and heterogeneous southernfirms that compete in a final product market. We assume southern firms differ in their intrinsiccosts and their ability to adapt technology and study southern incentives to protect intellectualproperty rights. We find...
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