Showing 71 - 80 of 239
The financial services industry has undergone significant regulatory change in thepast two decades due to Basel II (banking) and Solvency II (insurance). Even though these promulgations are focused on European institutions, their influenceextends around the globe. An important dimension of this...
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We analyze the role of intermediaries in electronic markets using detailed data of more than 14,000 originated loans on an electronic P2P (peer-to-peer) lending platform. In such an electronic credit market, lenders bid to supply a private loan. Screening of potential borrowers and the...
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Nach Jahren einschneidender Reformenstehen die sozialen Sicherungssystemein Deutschland in Folge der schwerstenWirtschaftskrise vor ihrer vermutlich größtenBelastungsprobe der Nachkriegszeit. Derzeitbesteht zwar noch kein akuter Alarm, da – imGegensatz zu überwiegend kapitalmarktfi...
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Die Stabilität des Finanzsystemsist gegenwärtig durch spekulativeÜbertreibungen auf den Kredit- undVerbriefungsmärkten gefährdet. Damitgehen erhebliche Belastungen für diereale Wirtschaftsentwicklung einher.Mehr Transparenz und Basel II werdendas zentrale Problem, das Herdenverhaltenauf...
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einheitlichen EU-Finanzmarkt zwangsweise imZeitablauf modifiziert und angepasst werden. …
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Assessments of investors’ risk appetite/aversion stance via indicators often yields resultswhich seem unsatisfactory (see e.g. Illing and Aaron (2005)). Understanding howsuch indicators work therefore seems essential for further improvements. The presentpaper seeks to contribute to this...
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This paper develops a theoretical model of dynamic decision-making of a monetarypolicy committee with heterogeneous members. It investigates the optimal transparency,and the optimal way of transmitting information of committees, by analysing the effectsdifferent communication strategies have on...
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There is a broad consensus that the quality of the political system and its institutionsare fundamental for a country’s prosperity. The paper focuses on political events inItaly over the past 35 years and asks whether the adoption of the euro in 1999 hashelped insulate Italy’s financial...
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We consider a simple extension of the basic new-Keynesian setup in which we relaxthe assumption of frictionless financial markets. In our economy, asymmetricinformation and default risk lead banks to optimally charge a lending rate above therisk-free rate. Our contribution is threefold. First,...
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We study the extremal dependence of market and liquidity risk, the former beingmeasured through the market return and the latter being measured throughthe relative bid-ask spread. We apply a non-parametrical approach to measurebivariate exceedance probabilities and the respective dependence...
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