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This paper employs an augmented version of the UECCC GARCH specificationproposed in Conrad and Karanasos (2010) which allows for lagged in-mean effects,level effects as well as asymmetries in the conditional variances. In this unifiedframework we examine the twelve potential intertemporal...
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This paper employs the unrestricted extended constant conditional correlationGARCH specification proposed in Conrad and Karanasos (2008) to examine theintertemporal relationship between the uncertainties of in°ation and output growthin the US. We find that inflation uncertainty effects output...
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This paper investigates the dynamics of aggregate wages and prices in the UnitedStates (US) and the Euro Area (EA) with a special focus on persistence of real wages,wage and price inflation. The analysis is conducted within a structural vector errorcorrectionmodel, where the structural shocks...
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We implement a long-horizon static and dynamic portfolio allocation involvinga risk-free and a risky asset. This model is calibrated at a quarterly frequencyfor ten European countries. We also use maximum-likelihood estimates andBayesian estimates to account for parameter uncertainty. We nd that...
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The remarkable stability of low domestic inflation in many countries requires explanation. In this paper, a number of competing hypotheses are evaluated on a stand-alone basis, and all are found to be inadequate. This includes the view that this outcome has been solely the result of more...
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In a simple New Keynesian model, we derive a closed form solution for the inflationpersistence parameter as a function of the policy weights in the central bank’s Taylorrule. By estimating the time-varying weights that the FED attaches to inflationand the output gap, we show that the...
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Existing work on wage bargaining (as exemplified by Cukierman and Lippi, 2001) typicallypredicts more aggressive wage setting under monetary union. This insight has not beenconfirmed by the EMU experience, which has been characterised by wage moderation,thereby eliciting criticism from Posen and...
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This paper extends Galí and Gertler’s (1999) new hybrid KeynesianPhillips curve to the open economy context. We hypothesise that pricing decisionsdepend on both labour costs and intermediate imported input prices. The results forHong Kong are consistent with the theory if import prices are...
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We evaluate how non-normality of asset returns and the temporal evolution of volatility and higher moments affects the conditional allocation of wealth. We show that if one neglects these aspects, as would be the case in a mean-variance allocation, a significant cost would arise. The performance...
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The recently proposed class of MixN-GARCH models, which couple a mixed normal distributional structure with linked GARCH-type dynamics, has been shown to offer a plausible decomposition of the contributions to volatility, as well as admirable out-of-sample forecasting performance, for financial...
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