Showing 1 - 10 of 14
Communities and Local Government identified four key questions that they wanted tenants’ ideas on. They also wanted to sound out proposals. The core questions were:•How could social landlords involve tenants more in improving the social housing stock?•How could social landlords, working...
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Trafford Hall offers training, support and pump-priming grants to residents andvolunteers in low income communities to help them tackle local problems within theircommunities. Since 1994 when the Centre opened, around 70,000 participants have beenon residential courses leading to action plans...
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Very little information exists about households’ longer-term movements betweentenures. Some cross-section datasets include information on length of stay in anyresidence but we have no systematic study of movement over time. This study usesthe British Household Panel Study to examine movements...
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Im Hinblick auf die Unternehmensbesteuerung führen zahlreiche der im Entwurf sowie im Umfeld des Steuervergünstigungsabbaugesetzes vorgesehenen Maßnahmen zu einer Schwächung der Investitionsbereitschaft, zu einer Verschlechterung der steuerlichen Standortbedingungen, zu einer weiteren...
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Government support of private (occupational and personal) pensionsthrough the system of tax reliefs is large: between one quarter and onethird that of direct support of state pensions through public expenditure.However, it is regressive, lacks transparency and is difficult to control. Thispaper...
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Even if a tax planning structure is legal, it canstill be ‘‘unwanted.’’ However, those structuresmight soon be wanted — for disclosure. ‘‘Unwanted’’structures do not violate the letter of the law, butstill might infringe on the spirit of the law.[...]
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The output multiplier turns negative before a deficit spending program expires.We show the generality of this unpleasant finding for the standard real business cyclemodel. We then calibrate an extended model for the US and demonstrate how fiscalstimulus slows down economic recovery from...
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We set up a neoclassical growth model extended by a corporate sector, aninvestment and finance decision of firms, and a set of taxes on capital income. We provideanalytical dynamic scoring of taxes on corporate income, dividends, capital gains, otherprivate capital income, and depreciation...
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In einem kürzlich erschienenen ZfB – Beitrag schlagen Förster et al. eine Vorgehensweise für dieErfassung der Zinsschranke und ihrer Wirkung auf die zinsinduzierte Steuerersparnis vor. DieserBeitrag nimmt kritisch dazu Stellung: Es wird gezeigt, dass die dort abgeleiteten Formeln für...
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Dieser Beitrag analysiert den Wertbeitrag fremdfinanzierungsbedingter Steuervorteile (Tax Shield)unter realistischen Bedingungen (keine Negativsteuer; mögliche Insolvenz) für unterschiedlicheFinanzierungspolitiken. Zusätzlich wird der Effekt der sogenannten Zinsschranke auf den Wert desTax...
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