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This website of the Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) provides monetary and financial statistics for the Netherlands. …
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Die Neue Institutionenökonomik und insbesondere die Agency-Theorie habensich zum heute dominierenden Paradigma der Corporate Governance-Diskussionentwickelt. Aufgrund der restriktiven Modellannahmen, die diesem Ansatzzugrunde liegen, werden jedoch einige Effekte, die in der Realität von...
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Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit geschlechtsspezifischen Verhaltensunterschieden bei Fondsmanagern. Wir untersuchen, ob sich weibliche und männliche Fondsmanagern bezüglich ihres Anlageverhaltens unterscheiden und welche Auswirkungen dies auf die Performance sowie die Zuflüsse von...
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In this paper, the influence of information costs on the integration of Northern European financial markets between ca. 1350 and 1560 is explored. The approach is based on splitting information costs into their constitutive components and on measuring one of these, i.e. the costs of transmitting...
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Im Zuge der Analyse jüngerer Finanzkrisen wird auch den Krisen der Vergangenheitvermehrte Aufmerksamkeit zuteil, so auch der deutschen Bankenkrise von 1931. EinPhänomen, das dabei bisher wenig Beachtung fand, ist der massive Rückkauf eigenerAktien, der im Vorfeld der Krise insbesondere auch...
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The paper builds on a method proposed by Geary and Stark (2002) for estimating regional incomes in Victorian Britain. This is modified by using tax data to allocate non-wage income across regions. The results suggest that the coefficient of variation of regional GDP per head was rising rapidly...
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Institutions that rely on joint liability to facilitate lending to the poor have a long historyand are now a common feature of many developing countries. Economists have proposedseveral theories of joint-liability lending that stress various aspects of its informational andenforcement advantages...
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This paper examines the questions of whether and how feudal rulers were able tocredibly commit to preserving monetary stability, and of which consequences theirdecisions had for the efficiency of financial markets. The study reveals that princes were usually only able to commit to issuing a...
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In 1908, Vinzenz Bronzin, a professor of mathematics at the Accademia di Commercio e Nauticain Trieste, published a booklet in German entitled Theorie der Prämiengeschäfte (Theory ofPremium Contracts) which is an old type of option contract. Almost like Bachelierÿs now famousdissertation...
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Contemporaries and historians have highlighted London’s position asthe world’s leading financial centre, and its dominance of both tradefinancing and international capital investment at this time. The cur-rent historical literature focuses on the presence of the London StockExchange and...
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