Showing 71 - 80 of 252
We study the effects of liquidity constraints and start-up costs on the relationship betweenwealth and the fraction of …
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Der Arbeitskreis hat sich mit dem gesamten Spektrum betriebswirtschaftlicher Fragen befaßt, die durch das Factoring als moderner Finanzierungsform aufgeworfen werden. Er beschränkt sich im folgenden aber bewußt auf die Analyse eines Teilbereichs, nämlich der Liquiditäts- und...
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This paper studies ’Stylised Facts’ and ’Determinants’ of short-and long-termCDS-spreads of banks. As short-term spreads we choose 6M-, as long-termspreads we choose 5Y-spreads. In the section ’Stylised Facts’ we found thatthe correlation between short- and long-term spreads for the...
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Some traders estimate precipitation derivatives to have a potential which increases even thatof temperature derivatives. Precipitation derivatives can be used both for hedging and marketingpurposes for a diverse number of possible end users. However, the complex way ofmeasuring precipitation,...
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The aim of this note is to provide an overview of various measures of “excess liquidity”,which can be defined as the … deviation of the actual stock of money from an estimated equilibriumlevel. Given their dynamic nature, the excess liquidity … pricepressures. In addition, excess liquidity measures consider inflation as a purely monetary phenomenon:neither the “output gap …
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One major outcome of the review of the ECB’s “two pillar monetary policy strategy”, whichwas published on 8 May 2003, has been the de facto downgrading of the hitherto prominentrole assigned to the stock of money. According to the authors’ judgement, however, there is astrong theoretical...
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We investigate the problem of modeling defaults of dependent credits.In the framework of the class of structural default models we studythreshold models where for each credit the underling ability-to-payprocess is a transformation of a Wiener processes. We propose a modelfor dependent defaults...
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´Die Finanzkrise hat gezeigt, dass ein Systemmit immer ungleicherer Einkommens- undVermögensverteilung nicht stabil ist. DieÜberwindung muss an dieser Krisenursacheansetzen und sollte nicht das Modellkreditgetriebenen Wachstums an sichuntergraben. Die Einkommen der Schuldnermüssen wachsen...
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Global liquidity expansion has been very dynamic since 2001. Contrary to conventionalwisdom, high money growth rates …
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foreign affiliatesto help smooth domestic liquidity shocks. We also show that the existence of suchinternal capital markets …
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