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This paper examines the relative information shares of the Bund, i.e. the ten-year Euro bondfuture contract on German sovereign debt, versus two futures with shorter maturity. We findthat the Bund is most important but does not dominate price discovery. The other contractsalso have relevant –...
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This paper examines the price impact of trading intensity on an emerging futures market. Utilizing anovel volume-augmented duration model of price discovery, the intensity effect is decomposed intoliquidity and information components for the MexDer 28-day interest rate futures contract. We...
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long time, affecting significantly stock prices. For appropriaterepresentation of the series dynamics and the possibility …
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We propose a technique to avoid spurious detections of jumps in highfrequencydata via an explicit thresholding on available test statistics. Weprove that it eliminates asymptotically all spurious detections. MonteCarlo results show that it performs also well in finite samples. In DowJones...
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Vorliegendes Arbeitspapier analysiert die Einflüsse intertemporaler Renditezusammenhänge und fester Startwerte in Vektorautoregressions-(VAR-) Modellen für stetige Renditen anhand des Vergleichs mit einem statischen Random-Walk-Modell.
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This paper estimates a trivariate two-factor conditional version of the Intertemporal CAPM of Merton (1973).
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This paper tests a conditional version of Adler and Dumas' (1983) International CAPM with regime switching GARCH parameters.
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A large part of the current debate on US stock price behaviorconcentrates on the question of whether stock prices are driven byfundamentals or by non-fundamental factors(...)
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Asset-backed securitisation (ABS) is an asset funding technique that involvesthe issuance of structured claims on the cash flow performance of a designatedpool of underlying receivables. Efficient risk management and asset allocation inthis growing segment of fixed income markets requires both...
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Basierend auf einem strukturellen Modell analysieren die Autoren das Bedeutung informierten Handels (adverse Selektionseffekte) und dessen Auswirkung auf die Liquiditätsqualität in Xetra, dem elektronischen Handelssystem der Deutschen Börse . Die ökonometrische Analyse basiert auf einem...
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