Showing 1 - 10 of 322
Analysts providing more accurate earnings forecasts also issue moreprofitable recommendations. We demonstrate how investors can profit fromthis contemporaneous link by differentiating between “able” and “lucky”analysts. In line with previous studies, we find that past track records...
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We present evidence of the impact of buy-side analysts on the behavior and performanceof fund managers. Using data provided by a large global asset manager,we relate buy-side analysts’ recommendations to fund transactions on a daily basis.Our results show that buy-side analysts have a...
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We study the dispersion of month-end valuations placed on identical corporatebonds by different mutual funds. Such dispersion is related to bond-specificcharacteristics associated with liquidity and market volatility. TRACE may havecontributed to the general decline in dispersion over our sample...
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We examine the role of hedge funds as primary lenders to corporate firms. We investigate boththe reasons and the implications of hedge funds’ activities in the primary loan market. Weexamine the characteristics of firms that borrow from hedge funds and find that borrowers areprimarily firms...
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Investors need performance measures particularly as a means for funds selection in the process of exanteportfolio optimization. Unfortunately, there are various performance measures recommended for differentdecision situations. Since an investor may be uncertain which kind of decision problem is...
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Sanford J. Grossman und Oliver D. Hart haben 1980 in einem grundlegenden Aufsatz darglegt, daß Übernahmen von in Streubesitz befindlichen Unternehmen am sog. Trittbrettfahrerproblem scheitern können. Unter dem Trittbrettfahrerverhalten der Aktionäre wird ihre Weigerung verstanden, ihre...
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In this research the focus is on emergent behaviour in large groups of stockmarket participants. In contrast to established views of the capital market, we do notassume that market participants make rational investment decisions based on fullinformation about important macroeconomic figures such...
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This citation by Robert Neal and Simon Wheatley from their 1998 article about investorsentiment offers several insights and paves the way for this first chapter by making thefollowing statements: First, the opinion of individual investors on the market isimportant. Second, they are often wrong....
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This paper investigates whether investor sentiment can explain stock returns on theGerman stock market. Based on a principal component analysis, we construct a senti-ment indicator that condenses information of several well-known sentiment proxies. Weshow that this indicator explains the return...
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We examine overconfidence among equity mutual fund managers. While overconfidencehas been extensively documented among retail investors, evidence fromprofessional investors is scarce. Consistent with theories of overconfidence, we findthat fund managers trade more after good past performance....
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