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This paper discusses the relationship between bank size and risk-takingunder Pillar I of the New Basel Capital Accord.
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In this paper, I describe and analyze the phenomenon of informal development collaborationbetween firms in the field of embedded Linux, a type of open source software. Toexplain the observed phenomenon of voluntary revealing, I develop a duopoly model ofquality competition. The central...
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Der Beitrag arbeitet die Heterogenität von Unternehmen innerhalb von Branchen hin-sichtlich ihrer technischen Effizienz heraus. Datengrundlage sind die Mikro-Daten der Kostentrukturerhebung im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe in Deutschland. Die technische Effizienz wird im Rahmen der Schätzung einer...
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While several plots of the aggregate age distribution suggest that rm age is expo-finentially distributed, we find some departures from the exponential benchmark. At thelower tail, we find that very young establishments are more numerous than expected,but they face high exit hazards. At the...
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Recent research has led to the empirical regularity that rm growth rate distributionsare heavy tailed. This nding implies that a few rms experience spectaculargrowth rates and decline, but that most rms have marginal growth rates. The literatureon high growth rms shows that high growth rms are...
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We investigate the strategic impact of exible delivery frequencieson the competition of logistics service providers (LSPs) in a supplychain. LSPs compete for customers who choose an exclusive serviceprovider based on their individual preference, prices and inventorycosts. The service provider...
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In this article we provide a seminal academic investigation of mo-bile telephony consumers' perception of the recently introduced costcap tari in comparison to corresponding pay-per-use and atrate call-ing plans. Previous studies have identied several psychological eectsthrough which consumers...
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Using firm-level data for a sample of European countries, we focus on the effects thatproduct-market regulations have on firm-level TFP growth. We proxy regulatory burdensusing the OECD indicators of sectoral non-manufacturing regulations. These allowaccounting for both the direct effects of...
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The introduction of firm size into labor search models raises the question how wages are setwhen average and marginal product differ. We develop and analyze an alternative to theexisting bargaining framework: Firms compete for labor by publicly posting long- termcontracts. In such a competitive...
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In contrast to the very large literature on skill-biased technical change among workers, thereis hardly any work on the importance of skills for the entrepreneurs who employ thoseworkers, and in particular on their evolution over time. This paper proposes a simple theory ofskill-biased change in...
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