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Extreme adverse selection arises when private information has unboundedsupport, and market breakdown occurs when no trade is the only equilibriumoutcome. We study extreme adverse selection via the limit behavior of afinancial market as the support of private information converges to an...
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Is the reputation of a firm tradeable when the previous owner has toretire even though ownership change is observable? The authors of this paper consider a competitive market in which a share of owners must retire in each period. New owners, observing only recent profits, bid for the firms...
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In this paper we study information revelation on asset markets with endogenousand exogenous information. Our results indicate that superior informationcan only be exploited in the beginning of trading. Information disseminateson the market and informational advantages are counter-balancedover...
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Die neoklassische Arbitragetheorie setzt voraus, daß alle Marktteilnehmer identische Erwartungenbezüglich der künftigen zustandsabhängigen Auszahlungen von risikobehafteten Wertpapierenbilden. Die Unsicherheit besteht dann im Eintritt des Zustandes selber, jedoch nicht indessen...
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Performance fees for portfolio managers are designed to align the managers' goals withthose of the investors and to motivate managers to aquire "superior" information and tomake better investment decisions. A part of the literature analyzes performance fees on thebasis of market valuation. In...
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This article investigates the impacts of asymmetric information within a Lucas (1978) asset pricing economy. Asymmetry enters via the assumption that one group of agents is equipped with superior information about the dividend process.(...)
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This note investigates the effects of introducing a transaction tax ondepth and bid-ask spread using a static model where a competitive market makerfaces informed and liquidity traders. When the degree of information asymmetryis low, an increase in the transaction tax can result into a smaller...
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We interpret cost stickiness, i.e., the manager’s decision to bear the costs of unutilized resources whensales decline, as a risky project and examine its impact on conditional conservatism. We find that coststickiness increases the asymmetric timeliness of earnings by weakening the timeliness...
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In their joint framework project, the FASB and the IASB recently proposeddropping stewardship as a separate objective of financial accounting, because the Boards view stewardship and valuation usefulness as compatible sub-objectives ranking under an overall objective of decision usefulness. This...
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The unmediated call auction is a useful trading mechanism to aggregate dispersedinformation. Its ability to incorporate information of a single informed insider,however, is less well understood. We analyse this question by presenting a simplecall auction game where both auction prices and limit...
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