Showing 1 - 10 of 92
This paper investigates the effect of business regulations on various measures of entrepreneurship. Using data for a sample of countries participation in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor between 2002 and 2005, we estimate a two-equation model explaining the nascent and the actual...
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This paper analyzes firms’ choices regarding the geographic scope of patentprotection within the European patent system. We develop an econometric modelat the patent level to quantify the impact of office fees and translation costs onfirms’ decision to validate a patent in a particular...
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We investigate the positive and normative consequences of child-labor restrictions foreconomic aggregates and welfare. We argue that even though the laissez-faire outcome maybe inefficient, there are usually better policies to cure these inefficiencies than the impositionof a child-labor ban...
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In order to address the impact of regulation on ethical concerns of consumers, westudy the e¤ect of a minimum wage. In our experimental market, consumers havemonopsony power, firms engage in Bertrand competition, and workers are passiverecipients of a wage payment. Two treatments are employed,...
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The composite indicator "Quality of work" for comparing European countries is constructed from data of the Third European Survey on Working Conditions. The main findings are as follows: (a) European countries differ with respect to working conditions statistically more signi¯cantly than with...
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This paper investigates whether the industrial relations climate inIndian states has affected the pattern of manufacturing growthin the period 1958-92. We show that states which ammendedthe Industrial Disputes Act in a pro-worker direction experiencedlowered output, employment, investment and...
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Modern environmental problems are a consequence of human action. They not only pose thepredicament of who is to be held responsible; but exhibit such a complexity, that our ability totake responsibility for interventions into nature at all, is drawn into doubt. And what preciselydoes it mean, to...
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In this paper, we discuss the relationship between responsibility and joint production.Responsibility mirrors our ability to act freely. We can act freely only if we can assumeresponsibility for our actions and their consequences; the limits of our responsibility aretherefore also the limits of...
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In diesem Aufsatz untersuchen wir die Beziehung von Verantwortung und Kuppelproduktion.Unsere Verantwortung reflektiert unsere Fähigkeit, frei zu handeln. Wir können nur freihandeln, insofern wir für unsere Handlungen und ihre Folgen Verantwortung übernehmen; dieGrenzen unserer Verantwortung...
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We show that if patent protection and trade secrecy generate asymmetricmarket structure, an innovator may prefer patent protection than trade secrecy even ifthe diffusion probability is higher under the former but it increases marketconcentration by preventing some imitators...
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