Showing 1 - 10 of 333
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht, ob der Mehrheitsaktionär einer Gesellschaftim Vorfeld eines Zwangsausschlusses von Minderheitsaktionären (sog.Squeeze-Out) versucht, die Kapitalmarkterwartungen negativ zu beeinussen.Ein solches "manipulatives\ Verhalten wird häufig in der juristischen wie...
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We find that price and earnings momentum are pervasive features of international equitymarkets when controlling for data snooping biases. For European countries, we find that pricemomentum is subsumed by earnings momentum on an aggregate level. However, this rationaledoes not apply to each and...
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Compliance with prevailing accounting standards is induced if the expected disadvantage due to sanctions imposed if non-compliance is detected outweighs the advantage of non-compliant accounting choices.(...)
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We examine whether UK firms engage in earnings management or forecast guidance over theperiod 1994−2002 in order to ensure that their reported earnings meet analyst earnings expectations.We explore two earnings management mechanisms: a) the use of positive abnormal working capitalaccruals and...
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We explore the capital market consequences of achieving analyst earnings expectations,distinguishing between expectations achieved genuinely or through earnings guidance ormanagement. We examine an inclusive set of earnings management tools: real earningsmanagement, working capital accruals...
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This paper presents some consequences of economic theory for the regulation of corporate accounting and disclosure under Geman accounting legislation (de lege lata) and in an international context. The following implications are discussed: (i) It is argued that the economic income conception...
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The Paper analyzes wheather mandatory auditor rotation is means to reduce an expectation gap caused by moral hazard problems. The analysis is divided into two parts with reference to the two different types of auditor rotation systems: (1) rotation of audit firms, and (2) rotation of audit...
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The discussion on value-based performance measures is centered around the concept of residualincome. The main property of residual income is its connection to capital budgeting and the net-present-value-rule. This property is, however, not sufficient to guarantee strong goal congruencebetween...
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This paper deals with the impact of insider trading legislation on corporate governance.
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Dank einer beispiellos langen Friedensperiode haben die Industrialisierung,eine perfektionierte Logistik, das Informationszeitalter und nicht zuletzt diefreie Marktwirtschaft zu einem Zustand geführt, den man als einen „annäherndgesättigten Käufermarkt“ bezeichnen kann. Die Menschen...
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