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In this paper, the course-related training of elderly workers in Switzerland isanalysed with data from the Swiss Labour Force Survey. Elderly individuals invest substantialamounts in their human capital via course-related training...
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Lack of transparency in securitization transactions significantly contributed to thesevere financial crisis of 2007–2009. To increase transparency we—based on arecent idea by Markowitz (2009)—propose an incentive compatible mechanismfor future securitization transactions: financial claims...
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We present an experiment designed to test the Modigliani-Miller theorem. Applyinga general equilibrium approach and not allowing for arbitrage among firmswith different capital structures, we find that, in accordance with the theorem, participantswell recognize changes in the systematic risk of...
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We study survival, price impact and portfolio impact in heterogeneouseconomies. We show that, under the equilibrium risk-neutral measure,long-run price impact is in fact equivalent to survival, whereas longrunportfolio impact is equivalent to survival under an agent-specic,wealth-forward...
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The pricing kernel puzzle is the observation that the pricing kernelmight be increasing in some range of the market returns. This paperanalyzes the pricing kernel in a nancial market equilibrium. If mar-kets are complete and investors are risk-averse and have common andtrue beliefs, the pricing...
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We provide a representation for the nonmyopic optimal portfolio of an agentconsuming only at the terminal horizon when the single state variable follows ageneral diusion process and the market consists of one risky asset and a risk-freeasset. The key term of our representation is a new object...
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We study the existence of dynamic equilibria with endogenously complete markets incontinuous-time, heterogenous agents economies driven by diusion processes. Ourmain results show that under appropriate conditions on the transition density ofthe state variables, market completeness can be deduced...
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Die Frage nach der richtigen Ausgestaltung marktwirtschaftlichen Wettbewerbsist eine, die Politiker, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und nicht zuletzt Unternehmerund ihre Interessenverbände seit langer Zeit bewegt. Trotz der langen und intensiven Diskussionen ist es dennoch bis dato nicht gelungen,...
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In this paper, we experimentally test the Modigliani-Miller theorem. Applying ageneral equilibrium approach and not allowing for arbitrage among ¯rms with differ-ent capital structure, we are able to address a question fundamental to the valuationof firms: does capital structure affect the...
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Die Frage nach der Kausalität fällt in die Methodologie. Methodologie ist in denWirtschaftswissenschaften ein Bereich, der sowohl bei Ökonomen als auch bei Philosophenkaum Beachtung findet. ....
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