Showing 91 - 100 of 256
This paper develops a model and estimate simultaneously the joint dynamics of default-free and defaultable bond term structures.
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This paper solves the intertemporal investment problem of an investor holding a portfolio of default-free and defaultable bonds.
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This paper invesitigates the influence of various fundamental variables on a cross-section of credit default swap transaction data.
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Starting from the Merton framework for firm defaults, we provide theanalytics and robustness of the relationship between defaultprobabilities and default correlations. We show that loans with higherdefault probabilities will not only have higher variances but also highercorrelations with other...
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verbundene Kreditrisiko induziert ist, zeigen neuere empirische Untersuchungen,dass neben Kreditrisiken noch weitere Faktoren die …
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Zu den wichtigen Erscheinungsformen des Veränderungsprozesses an den Finanzmärktengehört das Wachstum der Märkte für den Transfer von Kreditrisiken (Credit Risk TransferCRT). Markante Instrumente des Kreditrisikotransfers sind einerseits strukturierte Produktewie die Asset-Backed Securities...
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Im Juni 2004 veröffentlichete der Baseler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht nach einer mehr als fünfjährigen Entwicklungszeit mit dem Papier "International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards - A Revised Framwork" das Rahmenwerk der neuen Baseler Eigenkapitalvereinbarung. Die...
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[...]The purpose of this article is to build on this earlier work, bythe Basel Committee and others, and to consider the issues thatwould have to be addressed in developing a regulatory minimumcapital standard based on banks’ internal credit risk models. Inconducting this exercise, we consider...
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Bank supervisors have long recognized two types of shortcomingsin the Basle Accord’s risk-based capital (RBC)framework. First, the regulatory measures of “capital” maynot represent a bank’s true capacity to absorb unexpectedlosses. Deficiencies in reported loan loss reserves, forexample,...
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This paper presents a brief overview of developmentscurrently taking place in the Australian banking sectorrelating to the measurement and management of creditrisk. Section I provides, as background, a sketch of thestructure of banking in Australia. Section II considers someof the forces...
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