Showing 1 - 10 of 515
Nach §44 Investmentgesetz (InvG) sind Investmentfonds verpflichtet, im Rahmen ihres regelmäßigen Berichtswesens den …
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This paper studies the flow-performance relationship of three di®erent investorgroups in mutual funds: Households, financial corporations, and insurance compa-nies and pension funds, establishing the following findings: Financial corporationshave a strong tendency to chase past performance and...
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We present evidence of the impact of buy-side analysts on the behavior and performanceof fund managers. Using data provided by a large global asset manager,we relate buy-side analysts’ recommendations to fund transactions on a daily basis.Our results show that buy-side analysts have a...
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Neben den klassischen Performancemaßen, wie der Sharpe-Ratio, der Treynor-Ratio und dem Jensen-Alpha wurden in den letzten Jahrzehnten weiterführende Ansätze für die Analyse und Bewertung vonKapitalanlagen entwickelt. Die moderneren Performancemaße verlangen keine Konstanz derRisikomaße...
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Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a nonparametric method from the area of operationsresearch that measures the relationship of produced outputs to assignedinputs and determines an efficiency score. This efficiency score can be interpretedas a performance measure in investment analysis. Recent...
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It is frequently noted that investment funds with a nonnormal return distributioncannot be adequately evaluated using the classic Sharpe ratio. However, recent research compared the Sharpe ratio with other performance measures and found virtually identical rank ordering using hedge fund data. We...
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This paper shows optimal asset allocation during these two phases must be different.
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Defined-contribution plans represent a major organizational form for investors´ retirement savings. Today more than one third of all workers are enrolled in 401K plans.(...)
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This paper analyzes the relation between correlation risk and the cross-section of hedge fund returns.Legal framework and investment mandate imply that hedge funds can be severely exposed tocorrelation risk: Hedge funds ability to enter long-short positions can be useful to reduce marketbeta,...
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Die strategische Asset Allokation ist die für den langfristigen Anlageerfolg wichtigste Entscheidungeines Kapitalanlegers. Eine fundierte Entscheidung erfordert einen mehrstufigen,strukturierten Prozess. Der Anleger muss sich mit den realistischen Chancen des Kapitalmarktesund mit seinen...
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