Showing 1 - 10 of 837
We find that price and earnings momentum are pervasive features of international equitymarkets when controlling for data snooping biases. For European countries, we find that pricemomentum is subsumed by earnings momentum on an aggregate level. However, this rationaledoes not apply to each and...
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Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht, ob der Mehrheitsaktionär einer Gesellschaftim Vorfeld eines Zwangsausschlusses von Minderheitsaktionären (sog.Squeeze-Out) versucht, die Kapitalmarkterwartungen negativ zu beeinussen.Ein solches "manipulatives\ Verhalten wird häufig in der juristischen wie...
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We analyse questions of arbitrage in financial markets in which asset prices change in time as stationary stochastic processes. The main focus of the paper is on a model where the price vectors are independent and identically distributed. In the framework of this model, we find conditions that...
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Ende der 90er Jahre schien eine intensive Auswahl der Investments kaum notwendig, da fast jede Aktienanlage deutliche Kursgewinne versprach. Nachdem jähen Absturz an den Börsen haben die Anleger einen beträchtlichen Teilihres Aktienvermögens verloren. Damit rücken wieder verstärkt...
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Neben den klassischen Performancemaßen, wie der Sharpe-Ratio, der Treynor-Ratio und dem Jensen-Alpha wurden in den letzten Jahrzehnten weiterführende Ansätze für die Analyse und Bewertung vonKapitalanlagen entwickelt. Die moderneren Performancemaße verlangen keine Konstanz derRisikomaße...
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This paper investigates the extent to which voluntary disclosure quality (VDQ) of firms isreflected in equity prices. In environments where we expect informational efficiency to behigh, VDQ is not associated with returns beyond those available through passively investingin popular styles, and a...
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This paper analyzes the effects that uncertainty about economic fundamentalshas on aggregate trading volume. First, the trading volume of an investor facinga standard consumption portfolio choice problem is derived. It is found that if theparameters describing the investment opportunity set...
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Theories of investment suggest that the option value of waiting to invest is significant in many branches of economics, where investment is irreversible. The existing literature has generally failed to account for the general equilibrium feedback effects of lumpy investments on optimal...
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We use data on actual holding periods for all investors in a stock market over a10-year period to investigate the links between holding periods, liquidity, and assetreturns. Microstructure measures of liquidity are shown to be important determinantsof the holding period decision of individual...
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This paper examines properties of mean-variance inefficient proxies with respect to producing a linear relation between expected returns and betas. The numerical results of a Monte Carlo simulation show that in the CAPM slightly inefficient, positively weighted proxies cause an almost perfect...
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