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Motivated by a recent demographic study establishing a link betweenmacroeconomic fluctuations and the mortality index kt in the Lee-Cartermodel, we assess the impact of macroeconomic fluctuations on the solvencyof a life insurance company. Liabilities in our stochastic simulationframework are...
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This paper analyzes the numerical impact of different surplus distribution mechanisms on the risk exposure of a life insurance company selling with profit life insurance policies with a cliquet-style interest rate guarantee. Three representative companies are considered, each using a different...
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Universal life policies are the most popular insurance contract design in theUnited States. They have either a level death benefit paying a fixed faceamount, or an increasing death benefit, which additionally pays the availablecash value, and both types include the option to switch from one to...
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Life insurers often claim that the life settlement industry reduces theirsurrender profits and leads to an adverse shift in their portfolio of insuredrisks, i.e., bad risks remain in the portfolio instead of surrendering.In this paper, we aim to quantify the effect of altered...
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Common features in life insurance contracts are an interest rate guarantee andpolicyholder participation in the returns of insurers’ reference portfolio, which canbe of substantial value. The aim of this paper is to analyze the model risk involvedin pricing and risk assessment that arises from...
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In diesem Beitrag wird mit dem Swiss Solvency Test (SST) ein mögliches Referenzmodellfür die Ausgestaltung von Solvency II vorgestellt. Der SST wurde vomschweizerischen Bundesamt für Privatversicherungen entwickelt und zu Beginn desJahres 2006 für grosse Lebens- und Schadenversicherer...
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The aim of this paper is to study the influence of nonlinear dependencies on a nonlifeinsurers risk and return profile. To achieve this, we integrate several copulamodels in a dynamic financial analysis (DFA) framework and conduct numericaltests within a simulation study. We also test several...
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Proper pricing and risk assessment of implicit options in life insurance contractshas gained substantial attention in recent years, which is reflected in a growing literaturein this field. The purpose of this article is to outline the significance of implicitoptions in life insurance. Toward...
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In this paper, we investigate the impact of different asset management and surplus distributionstrategies in life insurance on risk-neutral pricing and shortfall risk. In general,these feedback mechanisms affect the contract’s payoff and hence directly influence pricingand risk measurement. To...
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implicitly assumes the implementation of risk management measures such as hedging strategies. …
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