Showing 1 - 10 of 102
Mit dem Abschluss der Beitrittsabkommen undihrem Beitritt zur EU am 1. Mai 2004 haben dieneuen Mitgliedstaaten sich auch verpfl ichtet, denEuro als gemeinsame Währung einzuführen. DasDatum hängt jedoch nicht zuletzt davon ab,wann die Neumitglieder die fünf Kriterien (Inflation, Haushaltsdefi...
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Für Industrieunternehmen ist es wichtig, ihre Bestellmengen zu optimieren. Sie wirken sich auf Lagerhaltung und Beschaffung aus und beeinflussen Servicegrad und Produktionsbereitschaft. Fehlerhaft bestimmte Losgrößen führen zu höheren Kosten und Gewinneinbußen.[...] Die Interaktion...
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The stock level in industrial companies is frequently subject of critical discussions. Material managers tendtowards high stock levels to ensure delivery and operational readiness. In contrast, controllers demand lowerstock levels to minimize the costs of capital commitment. This decision...
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In this paper we study the integration of production, transportation and storage decisions ina multi plant-distribution center supply chain structure. Multiple plants produce one type ofitem, each of them with different production capacity and costs, and send finished goods tothe distribution...
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Particle Swarm Optimization is a population based search strategy based on the idea of the simulation of bird flocks. In this paper we will introduce an application of the PSO to a management problem. The simulated stochastic 2-product-warehouse with the parameters order amount and safety stock...
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Die Unternehmenssimulation LogisticPLUS ist ein generelles Planspiel mit Schwerpunkt auf logistischen Fragestellungen. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, Logistikern die Auswirkungen von getroffenen Entscheidungen transparent zu machen und langfristig durch einen Lernprozess bessere Entscheidungen...
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[...]This paper examines the recent recession, with particularattention given to developments in the labor market and in UI program financing. Its three objectives are to describedevelopments in the macroeconomy and in the labor marketthat have relevance for UI funding issues, to present...
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[...]In this article, we pursue a transaction-oriented line ofresearch to help track short-term exchange rate movements. Byexamining a publicly available data set well known to currencymarket analysts—net positions held by speculators in thefutures market—we are able to document a strong...
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[...]In this article, we attempt to quantify the economic effectsof the homeland security efforts of the public and privatesectors, focusing specifically on the costs of these efforts. Inpractice, it is difficult to classify which expenditures are relatedto homeland security. For this reason, we...
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[...]In our view, this apparently surprising immunity of the U.S.economy to the Asia crisis reflects the fact that the original wayof thinking about the crisis was flawed. First, it focused only ondemand-side channels and ignored the supply side. Second, thedepreciation of the Asian currencies...
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