Showing 1 - 10 of 133
In recent years, the performance-based approach to contracting for medical services has been gaining popu-larity across different healthcare delivery systems, both in the US (under the name of "Pay-for-Performance",or P4P), and abroad ("Payment-by-Results", or PbR, in the UK). One common element...
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Die Gesundheitsreformen haben in der Vergangenheit immer auch dasZiel verfolgt, die Kosten im Gesundheitswesen zu … Einnahmeseite und der Ausgabenentwicklung undinsbesondere die Allokation der Mittel vernachlässigt. Wenn aber unklarbleibt, über …
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In October 1988, the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) triplevaccine was introduced in the UK. This study analyses the processof gathering and communicating factual evidence to support thedecision made in order to implement the triple vaccine and to renewthe prevailing vaccination policy. The...
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Die Gesundheitswirtschaft besitzt eine Schlüsselstellung für die Zukunft von Le‐bensqualität, Arbeit und Wettbewerbsfähig‐keit in Nordrhein‐Westfalen. Gesundheits‐wirtschaft zielt darauf, das Verhältnis von „Gesundheit“ und „Wirtschaft“ zum gesell‐schaftlichen Nutzen...
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Seltene Erkrankungen betreffen zu über 70Prozent Kinder, sind vielfach chronisch und oftmit schweren Beeinträchtigungen derLebensqualität oder gar tödlichem Verlaufverbunden.Seltene Erkrankungen sind nicht wirklichselten: ca. 4 Mio. Betroffene in Deutschlandleiden an einer der 6000‐8000...
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Research infrastructures (RIs) are the most powerful means to foster cooperation on a pan-European scale and to provide efficient access to advanced methods and technologies for the scientific community.The existence, availability and easy access to leading research infrastructures is a key...
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It is well-known in empirical finance that virtually all asset returns, whether monthly,daily, or intraday, are heavy-tailed and, particularly for stock returns, are mildly but oftensignificantly negatively skewed. However, the tail indices, or maximally existing moments ofthe returns, can...
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This lecture is a brief overview of an evolutionary theory of fairness. The ideasare fleshed out in a book Natural Justice, which is itself a condensed versionof an earlier two-volume book Game Theory and the Social Contract (Binmore[14, 12, 13])...
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This paper examines finite parimutuel betting games with asymmetric information, with particular attention to differences between sequential and simultaneous settings, and betweenfully rational and myopic ("price taking") behavior. In the simultaneous parimutuel market,all (symmetric and...
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