Showing 1 - 10 of 36
We use information from two prospective British birth cohort studies to explorethe antecedents of adult malaise, an indicator of incipient depression. Thesestudies include a wealth of information on childhood circumstances, behaviour,test scores and family background, measured several times...
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We present a new way to model age-specific demographic variables with the example of age-specific mortality in the U.S., building on the Lee-Carter approach and extendingit in several dimensions. We incorporate covariates and model their dynamics jointly with the latent variables underlying...
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We use panel data from the US Health and Retirement Study 1992-2002 to estimate theeffect of self-assessed health …
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We investigate the impact of exogenous income fluctuations on health using twenty years ofdata from the Panel Study of … Income Dynamics using techniques from the literature on theestimation of dynamic panel data models.... …
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(relative to thetraditional fee-for-service system) fee for services provided. We combine panel survey andadministrative data on …
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We analyze the impact of short-run economic fluctuations on age-specific mortality usingBayesian time series econometrics and contribute to the debate on the procyclicality ofmortality. For the first time, we examine the differing consequences of economic changesfor all individual age classes....
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Nach dem Gesetz für Kontrolle und Transparenz im Unternehmensbereichsind alle Aktiengesellschaften seit 1998 verpflichtet, Risiko-Management mitdem Ziel zu betreiben, systematisch Risiken einer ökonomischen Fehlsteuerungzu vermeiden (Gausmann 2002). Die Wichtigkeit eines...
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Medical doctors act as agents of their patients by either treating them directly orreferring them to other more or differently specialized doctors, who therebybecome “agents of agents”. The main aim of this paper is to model centralaspects of such two-layered agency relations in the medical...
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Increasing costs of most healthcare systems result in (major) financing problemsand thus are the focus of many empirical inquiries. Researchers have found thatmismanagement is often a consequence of misplaced incentives. This paper tries tooutline some cases in which the demand side of...
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Der Europäische Rat von Lissabon hatte den Rat und die Kommission aufgefordert, bis Juni 2000 ein Benchmarking einzuleiten, dessen erste Ergebnisse bis Dezember 2000 vorliegen sollten. Die ersten greifbaren Resultate der Unternehmenspolitik werden im folgenden dargestellt.
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