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positivepredictions of the model change very little, but the welfare costs of unemployment are muchlarger because unemployment risk is … distributed unequally across workers. As a result,optimal unemployment insurance may be higher and welfare is lower if hiring is …
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design of optimalunemployment insurance in an economy with unemployment as well as part-timeunemployment. Part …-time unemployment provides income insurance and serves as astepping stone to full-time jobs. Unemployment benefits for part …-timers increase the outflowfrom unemployment to part-time work but reduce the outflow from part-time work to full-timeemployment. We …
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This study examines the determinants of job-finding rates of unemployment benefit recipientsunder the Chilean program … unemployment insurance programs. Our study is the first one to empiricallyinvestigate whether UISAs improve work incentives. We … find that for beneficiaries using theSF, the pattern of job finding rates over the duration of unemployment is consistent …
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The Swedish labour market and social policy is aimed at facilitating flexibility in the labourmarket. The active labour market policy and the design of the social security pension systemare two frequently mentioned examples of that policy...
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There is robust field data showing that a frequent and successful way of looking fora job is via the intermediation of friends and relatives. Here we want to explore thisexperimentally. Participants first play a simple public good game with two interactionpartners friends, and share whatever...
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and an unemployment insurancescheme. It is shown that the consequences for the labor market and the welfareof natives …
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This paper investigates the role that idiosyncratic uncertainty plays in shaping social preferences over the degree of labor market flexibility, in a general equilibrium model of dynamic labor demand where the productivity of firms evolves over time as a Geometric Brownian motion...
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This paper analyzes the effect of firing costs on aggregate productivity growth. For thispurpose, a model of endogenous growth through selection and imitation is developed. It isconsistent with recent evidence on firm dynamics and on the importance of reallocation forproductivity growth...
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This paper provides evidence about the effects of dismissals-for-cause requirements, aspecific component of employment protection legislation that has received little attentiondespite its potential relevance. We study a quasi-natural experiment generated by a lawintroduced in Portugal in 1989:...
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In a perfect labor market severance payments can have no real effects as they can beundone by a properly designed labor contract (Lazear 1990). We give empirical content tothis proposition by estimating the effects of EPL on entry wages and on the tenure-wageprofile in a quasi-experimental...
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