Showing 1 - 9 of 9
We use a principal-agent framework to reexamine the implications of the negligence and strict liability rules when the tortfeasor is an agency. (...)
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We provide a condition for ranking of information systems in agencyproblems. The condition has a straightforward economic interpretation in terms of the sensitivity of a cumulative distribution with respect to the agents effort. The criterion is shown to be equivalent to the mean preserving...
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This paper analyzes the trade-o! between monitoring and incentives in a principal-agent relationship with moral hazard. We derive general results on the optimalmonitoring - incentives mix for the case where both parties are risk-neutral and the agentfaces a limited liability constraint. We show...
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This paper analyzes the incentive properties of the standard and burden of proof for a finding of negligence, when evidence about injurers' behavior is imperfect and rests with the parties. We show that the `preponderance of evidence' standard used in common law, together with ordinary exclusion...
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We consider the effects on reward systems of workers concern withrelative pay by comparing the wage costs of providing incentives through groupversus individual bonus schemes. When workers have a propensity for envy, eitherscheme may be the least cost one depending on the workers outside...
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We consider the cost of providing incentives through tournaments when workers are inequity averse and performance evaluation is costly.
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We argue that the common-law standard of proof, given the rulesof evidence, does not minimize expected error as usually argued inthe legal literature, but may well be e±cient from the standpointof providing maximal incentives for socially desirable behavior.By contrast, civil law's higher but...
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We analyze a two-task work environment with risk-neutral but inequality averse individuals. For the agent employed in task 2 effort is verifiable, while in task 1 it is not. Accordingly, agent 1 receives an incentive contract which, due to his wealth constraint, leads to a rent that the other...
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We analyze the design of legal principles and procedures for court decision-making in civil litigation. The objective is the provision of appropriate incentives for potential tort-feasors to exert care, when evidence about care is imperfect and may bedistorted by the parties. Efficiency is shown...
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