Showing 1 - 10 of 40
Dieser Beitrag stellt die Abbildung der Effekte einer verminderten Subsistenzproduktion für Milch in den MOEL in einem landwirtschaftlichen Sektormodell dar. Es wird projiziert, dass die Nettoexporte von Molkereiprodukten Bulgariens, Rumäniens und Polens im Falle eines EU-Beitritts niedriger...
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Das Phänomen der Subsistenzlandwirtschaft hat in einigen mittel- und osteuropäischenLändern (MOEL) zum einen eine lange Tradition, zum anderen ist es durch die ökonomischeund soziale Transformation dieser Volkwirtschaften bedingt. Generell sinkt im Verlauf derökonomischen Entwicklung der...
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This paper presents an approach to depict subsistence production of milk in a partial equilibriumsector model and applies this approach to Poland, Bulgaria and Romania in the European SimulationModel (ESIM). The restriction on milk production implied by the EU milk quota in a situation...
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Recent advances in brain research have provided new evidence thatearly experience matters and have greatly increased interest in theeffects of early childhood interventions on outcomes for children. Thispaper reviews what is now known about the potential benefits andpotential ill effects of...
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einem vom Lohnabstand abhängigen Arbeitsangebot. In diesem Modell erhöht eine solche Senkung das Arbeitsangebot. Ist der …
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Regular annual studies made by the Office of National Statistics in the UK areintended to show how far taxing household incomes and giving benefits in cash andkind to households redistributes income from rich to poor. The first attempt to do thisin the UK was made by Tibor Barna for the year...
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Families with disabled children are susceptible to poverty because low incomeis compounded by high costs. Combing caring with employment is extremelydifficult, so families are heavily reliant upon benefits. But do disability benefitsprovide financial security for families who are susceptible to...
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This paper reviews the stylized facts regarding the levels of human capital investments and the returnsto those investments in developing countries. These returns are substantial and are pervasive acrossdemographic groups. Returns are comparable between men and women and between urban and...
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A sample of Iowa farm couples is used to evaluate whether off-farm labor supply decisions respond to permanent and transitory components of farm income. Off-farm labor supply of both spouses declines in response to increases in permanent farm income. Farm wives also reduce off-farm labor supply...
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In this paper we develop a dynamic structural life-cycle model of labor supplybehavior which fully accounts for the eects of income tax and transfers on la-bor supply incentives. Additionally, the model recognizes the demand side drivenrationing risk that might prevent individuals from realizing...
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