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-agent experiments (mostinvolving only one agent). We investigate this issue in the context of athree-person ultimatum experiment, which …
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The existing literature acknowledges that a mismatch between the experimenter'sand the subjects' models of an experimental task can adversely aect the interpretation ofdata from laboratory experiments. We discuss why the two common experimental designs(between-subjects and within-subjects) used...
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The results of an asset market experiment, in which 64 subjects trade two assets oneight markets in a computerized …
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Myopic loss aversion (MLA) has been established as one prominentexplanation for the equity premium puzzle. In this paper we address two issuesrelated to the effects of MLA on risky investment decisions. First, we assess therelative impact of feedback frequency and investment flexibility (via...
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There is abundant evidence that many individuals violate the rationality assumptions routinely made in economics. However, powerful evidence also indicates that violations of individual rationality do not necessarily refute the aggregate predictions of standard economic models that assume full...
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In this paper we study the robustness of the deadline effect in bargaininggames using constant and slowly decreasing pies, different time horizons,and both constant and alternating role modes. With decreasing pies efficiency requires early agreements while constant pies allow for efficient late...
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(...) We provide support for the disposition effect. Participants who experience a gain sell their assets more rapidly than participants who experience a loss, and positively framed subjects generally sell their assets later than negatively framed subjects.
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riskattitudes in an experiment involving choices with and without strategicinteraction. …
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This paper presents simple su±cient conditions under which optimal bunches inadverse-selection principal-agent problems can be characterized without using optimal controltheory.
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This analysis reveals the restricted scope of approaches which utilise arbitrage based arguments toprice contingent claims whose payoffs are determined by the outcome of non-zero-sum valuationgames between financial market participants. Many examples of such model formulations can befound, for...
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