Showing 1 - 10 of 13
In this paper, the course-related training of elderly workers in Switzerland isanalysed with data from the Swiss Labour Force Survey. Elderly individuals invest substantialamounts in their human capital via course-related training...
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This paper explores the impact of university finance reforms on teachingquality. It is shown that the graduate tax can achieve efficiency with tuitionfees administered by the government, while student grants, pure and incomecontingent loans are bound to fail. All options are inefficient when...
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Student loans schemes are in operation in more than seventy countries around the world.Most loans schemes benefit from sizeable built-in government subsidies and, in addition, aresubject to repayment default and administrative costs that are not passed on to studentborrowers. We probe two issues...
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Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published inthis series may include views on policy, but the institute itself takes no institutional policy positions.The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn is a local and virtual international...
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Die Wissensgesellschaft ist inzwischen Realität. Wettbewerbsvorteile und hoheWertschöpfung werden über Vorsprünge in Wissen und dessen Anwendungerreicht. Reiche Regionen existieren dort, wo innovative Cluster bestehen.Technologietransfer entstand aus der Notwendigkeit, an Hochschulen...
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Bei Public Private Partnerships (PPP) spielt der Wirtschaftlichkeitsvergleich eine entscheidendeRolle. Er dient zur Ermittlung von Effizienzvorteilen und Einsparungen einerRealisierungsvariante (öffentlicher Eigenbau oder privatwirtschaftlich) und als Argumentationsgrundlagesowie Rechtfertigung...
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Bei Public Private Partnerships (PPP) spielt der Wirtschaftlichkeitsvergleich eine entscheidendeRolle. Er dient zur Ermittlung von Effizienzvorteilen und Einsparungen einerRealisierungsvariante (öffentlicher Eigenbau oder privatwirtschaftlich) und als Argumentationsgrundlagesowie Rechtfertigung...
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We present a theoretical framework and empirical strategy to measure the causal effect ofinterim feedback on individuals’ performance. Our identification strategy exploits a naturalexperiment in a leading UK university where different departments have historically differentrules on the...
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Over the last decade, many countries have experienced dramatic increases in university enrolment, which, when not matched by compensating increases in other inputs, have resulted in larger class sizes. Using administrative records from a leading UK university, we present evidence on the effects...
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One of the main issues of the reform regarding a professor’s remuneration at German universitiesis the introduction of a performance-dependent salary. This paper applies relative rank ordertournaments to special performance benefits at university level. It turns out that the awardingprocedure...
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