Showing 1 - 10 of 62
The G20 summits in 2009 have proposed major changes in governance of the InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF). Most important seems to be the acknowledgment that the IMF in itscurrent form lacks legitimacy and ownership. Accordingly, the G20 suggests a reallocation ofvoting shares to emerging and...
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The IMF and Insurance; Lessons from the crisis; Issues for insurance...
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This paper analyzes the trade-off between official liquidity provision and debtor moral hazard ininternational financial crises. In the model, crises are caused by the interaction of bad fundamentals,self-fulfilling runs and policies by three classes of optimizing agents: international...
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In letzter Zeit häufen sich Zahlungsschwierigkeiten von Ländern gegenüber ihrenausländischen Geldgebern. Beim Ausbleiben dieser Zahlungen wird um die Stabilität des internationalen Finanzsystems gefürchtet. Um diese Gefahr abzuwenden, werden den zahlungsunfähigen Ländern unter der...
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Can pegging reduce real as well as nominal, and multilateral as well as bilateralexchange rate volatility? We investigate this issue using monthly data for 139countries from January 1990 to June 2006...
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Der Stakeholder Approach gehört zu den grundlegenden Konzeptionen, an denen keine Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik vorbeikommt. Schon der Ausdruck Stakeholder signalisiert einen Kontrasst zu dem ebenfalls grundlegend wichtigen Begriff des Shareholders. Ursprünglich als Erweiterung des...
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Der vorliegende Diskussionsbeitrag analysiert die Motivlage von Unternehmern sozial‐ökologischer Pionierunternehmen. Dabei werden die folgenden forschungsleitendenFragestellungen untersucht: 1. Welche strategischen und ethischen Motive veranlassenUnternehmer sich dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit zu...
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Accounting is frequently described and recognized as the language of business because theexternal financial reporting function is extensively used as a principal means of communicatingresults of corporate economic activity to interested external parties. However, deficiencies withrespect to the...
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There are people who are motivated by the non-selfish, non-strategic, and non-consequentialist“protected value” of truthfulness. We conduct an experiment directly assessing thisphenomenon. We find that people differ substantially in their truthfulness, with a largeminority powerfully...
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This paper presents the results of a field study at a large financial services firm that combinesmultiple methods, including two economic experiments, to measure ethical norms and theirbehavioral correlates. Standard survey questions eliciting ethical evaluations of actions in on-thejobethical...
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