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The objective of this paper was to compare and to analyze three portfolio selection models: Mean-Variance, Minimax and Minimax Weighted. These models were evaluated using historical data (September 1999 to August 2000, January 2001 to December 2001 and February 2002 to January 2003) obtained...
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Kern der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Black-Litterman-Modells zur Allokation von Immobilienportfolios. Motiviert durch die global zunehmende Bedeutung des Immobilien-Portfoliomanagements und die begrenzte Eignung der Markowitz?schen Portfolio-Selektionstheorie in der Praxis wird...
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Die neoklassische Kapitalmarkttheorie und die ihr zugeordneten Standard-Asset-Pricing-Modelle gehen grundsätzlich von … neoklassischen Kapitalmarkttheorie erscheint es als logische Konsequenz, dass sich in einigen Bereichen der Kapitalmarktforschung … wissenschaftlichen Schrifttum aber an einem Rahmenwerk, welches sich dem gesamten Forschungsbereich Kapitalmarkttheorie bei …
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and extending powerful results from probability theory for applications in statistical analysis. Their power is … processes, and we study these models in relation to financial data and theory. …
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Four essays, or chapters, model the capital structure, governance, and investment decisions as part of a sequential game. Each chapter is separate in its context, assumptions, and conclusions. The titles of the chapters are below.Abstracts of each essay or chapter can be found at the beginning...
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South Africa has overcome adverse initial conditions to achieve a remarkable fiscaltransformation since the 1994 democratic elections, held amid uncertainty about its ability to maintain the rule of law and resist populist spending pressures. Constitutionally-based, durable and credible fiscal...
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This paper reviews the design and performance of monetary policy in South Africa (SA) during 1994-2004. Quantitative indexes of transparency reveal a strong rise in the transparency and accountability of monetary policy between 1994 and 2004. Inflation and interest rate expectations data and...
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A recent paper by Kraay (2003) documents the lack of any systematic associationbetween monetary policy and the outcome of a speculative attack. This paper extendsKraay’s work by introducing an improved measure of monetary policy and an additionalcountry-specific fundamental, short-term...
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The analysis of reputation as a contract enforcement instrument where legal institutions, especially commercial courts, fail to enforce commercial contracts has focused on informal credit markets. The literature centres on the argument that lenders or co-borrowers in group lending can easily...
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In common with many emerging market countries, South Africa’s government does not publish balance sheet wealth estimates on a market value basis, as produced in the U.S., U.K., Japan, and elsewhere. Yet without information on the market values of liquid and illiquid personal sector wealth, it...
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