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test an idea from relational contracting theory that informal relationships can substitute for formal enforcement through …
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Focusing on the interaction between national brands and private labels, this paper has two main empirical contributions: i) a simultaneous system of demand (share), price and expenditure equations is estimated, and ii) differences in the structure of the local geographic market are incorporated...
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Prices for nearly all basic commodity rose at unprecedented rates throughout early 2008, only to fall nearly as fast as financial markets and global economies began to collapse. Rising food prices in 2008 led to concerns that commodity price spikes would lead to more general food inflation, but...
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ökonomischen wie auch nicht-ökonomischen Modelle wird die mikroökonomische Theorie der Insitutionenökonomik, hier insbesondere des … surveying the transaction cost theory.// With alteration of mass production of standardised products into assembly of highly …
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theory suggest that they work against efficiency when membership grows too diffuse. To address this issue, this study uses a … model that takes into account existing theory on constrained-optimization in credit unions and theory on the adverse effects …
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We adapt the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm to incorporate unobserved hetero- geneity into conditional choice probability (CCP) estimators of dynamic discrete choice problems. The unobserved heterogeneity can be time-invariant, fully transitory, or follow a Markov chain. By exploiting...
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We embed a structural model of credit risk inside a dynamic continuous-time consumption-based asset pricing model, which allows us to price equity and corporate debt in a unified framework. Our key economic assumptions are that the first and second moments of earnings and consumption growth...
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In this paper, we introduce a new methodology designed to test the effect of new regulatory disclosure requirements on the disclosure threshold as predicted by the extant literature (Verrecchia (1983), Dye (1985)). We apply our methodology to test the consistency between observed effects from...
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Bonds are traded in over-the-counter markets, where opacity and fragmentation imply large transaction costs for retail investors. Is there something special about bonds, in contrast to stocks, precluding transparent limit-order markets? Historical experience suggests this is not the case. Before...
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We propose a model in which firms involved in trading securities overinvest in financial expertise. Intermediaries or traders in the model meet and bargain over a financial asset. As in the bargaining model in Dang (2008), counterparties endogenously decide whether to acquire information, which...
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